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Python Regex - 在每个字符后分割字符串

[英]Python Regex - Split string after every character

I have a string that follows the pattern of a 1+ numbers followed by a single letter, 'a', 'b', 'c' . 我有一个字符串,遵循1+数字的模式,后跟一个字母, 'a', 'b', 'c' I want to split the string after every letter. 我想在每个字母后分割字符串。

>>> ['12a', '44b', '65c']


I've tried so far 到目前为止我已经尝试过了

re.split('([abc]\d+)', '12a44b65c')
>>> ['12', 'a44', '', 'b65', 'c']

Your regex is backwards - it should be any number of digits followed by an a , b or a c . 你的正则表达式是向后的 - 它应该是任意数量的数字,后跟abc additionally, I wouldn't use split , which returns annoying empty strings, but findall : 另外,我不会使用split ,它返回烦人的空字符串,但是findall

>>> re.findall('(\d+[abc])', '12a44b65c')
['12a', '44b', '65c']

If you're able to use the newer regex module , you can even split on zero-width matches (with lookarounds, that is). 如果你能够使用更新的正则表达式模块 ,你甚至可以在零宽度匹配上进行拆分(即使用外观)。

import regex as re

rx = r'(?V1)(?<=[a-z])(?=\d)'
string = "12a44b65c"
parts = re.split(rx, string)
print parts
# ['12a', '44b', '65c']

This approach looks for one of az behind and a digit ( \\d ) immediately ahead. 这种方法在后面查找az中的一个和一个数字( \\d )。
The original re.split() does not allow zero-width matches, for compatibility you explicitely need to turn the new behaviour on with (?V1) in the pattern. 原始的re.split()不允许零宽度匹配,为了兼容性,您明确需要在模式中使用(?V1)打开新行为。
See a demo on regex101.com . 请参阅regex101.com上演示

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