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[英]How to retrieve formatted version of date from date picker backend

I have a date picker and time picker I am using in my iOS application (using xamarin) and I am trying to retrieve the date and time selected by the user to use elsewhere in the code. 我在iOS应用程序(使用xamarin)中使用了一个日期选择器和时间选择器,并且试图检索用户选择的日期和时间以在代码中的其他位置使用。 My problem is that I am not sure how to retrieve just the date or just the time. 我的问题是我不确定如何只检索日期或时间。 For example I have this following code to retrieve the date: 例如,我有以下代码来检索日期:

// not getting proper date format!
var selectedDate = ContactDatePicker.Date.ToString ();
var selectedTime= ContactTimePicker.Date.ToString ();
Console.WriteLine ("Here: {0}, {1}", selectedDate, selectedTime);

But it outputs the entirety of the of the date and time for each variable like so: 但它会为每个变量输出整个日期和时间,如下所示:

Here: 2016-05-24 15:18:50 +0000, 2016-05-24 15:18:50 +0000

I would like to get something like 2016-05-24 for date or something like 15:18:50 for time. 我想获取类似日期2016-05-24或类似时间15:18:50的信息。 I realize I can use regex for this but I was wondering if there is a simple way to format dates. 我意识到我可以为此使用正则表达式,但是我想知道是否存在一种简单的格式化日期的方法。

Since UIDatePicker.Date returns nsdate you could convert it to DateTime first and supply required format to ToString method. 由于UIDatePicker.Date返回nsdate您可以nsdate其转换为DateTime并向ToString方法提供所需的格式。

var dateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(ContactTimePicker.Date, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
var selectedDate = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var selectedTime= dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");        

If ContactDatePicker.Date type is DateTime you can use ToShortDateString() and ToShortTimeString() or ToLongTimeString : 如果ContactDatePicker.Date类型为DateTime ,则可以使用ToShortDateString()ToShortTimeString()ToLongTimeString

var selectedDate = ContactDatePicker.Date.ToShortDateString();
var selectedTime = ContactTimePicker.Date.ToLongTimeString();


According to documentation of UIDatePicker , Date property returns a NSDate , but there are an implicit conversion to DateTime , so you can do something like this: 根据UIDatePicker的文档, Date属性返回一个NSDate ,但是对DateTime进行了隐式转换,因此您可以执行以下操作:

DateTime date = ContactDatePicker.Date    //Implicit conversion
var selectedDate = date.ToShortDateString();
var selectedTime = date.ToLongTimeString();

Thanks for the info guys I ended up using: 感谢您最终使用的信息人员:

// explicitly convert NSDate to DateTime to change format
DateTime date = (DateTime)ContactDatePicker.Date;
DateTime time = (DateTime)ContactTimePicker.Date;

// able to overload ToString() method with argument to change format
var selectedDate = date.ToString ("d");
var selectedTime = time.ToString ("HH:mm:ss");

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