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[英]Laravel named route to directory

Is there possible way to make named route in laravel for directory? 有没有办法在laravel中为目录创建命名路由? For example I have directory named stats in public directory, and I wanna to be able to call it as route('page.stats'). 例如,我在公共目录中有一个名为stats的目录,我希望能够将其称为route('page.stats')。

Your thinking is not frameworklike. 您的想法不是框架式的。 In this case I suggest you to move out the resorce (probably index.php) from public to somewhere else and then call it from the controller. 在这种情况下,我建议您将资源(可能是index.php)从公共位置移到其他位置,然后从控制器中调用它。

If you still want to run it under this path, here is a solvation. 如果您仍然想在此路径下运行它,则这里有一个解决方法。 In the routing file add: 在路由文件中添加:

Route::get('page/stats', function () {
    return require public_path('stats/index.php');

I think you should move out this files from public folder and under app folder you can create a Helper folder and move them to there and you have to declare path to this Helper folder if you are using 3rd party softwares as classes. 我想你应该这样文件从迁出public文件夹下的app文件夹,您可以创建一个Helper文件夹,并将其移动到那里,你必须声明这条道路Helper ,如果你使用的是第三方软件如类文件夹。 In composer.json file under autoload array you can declare classes or files. autoload数组下的composer.json文件中,您可以声明类或文件。 If you are using 3rd party softwares as a single file and want to use them every request you can add as a file and include easily. 如果您将第三方软件作为单个文件使用,并且希望使用它们,那么您可以将每个请求添加为file并轻松添加。

My composer.json file structure is like that : 我的composer.json文件结构是这样的:

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "app/"
    "files" : [

I think you should use like this otherwise using 3rd party softwares under public folder is not good thing fot using in MVC design pattern. 我想下你应该使用这样以其它方式使用第三方软件public文件夹不是FOT使用MVC设计模式好事。

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