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从站点安装 MySQL 与包管理器/BREW MySQL

[英]MySQL install from site vs Package manager/BREW MySQL

I was wondering why would anyone want to install MySQL via something like BREW or a package manager instead of going to http://www.mysql.com/downloads/ and just downloading the entire installer?我想知道为什么有人想通过 BREW 或包管理器之类的东西安装 MySQL,而不是去http://www.mysql.com/downloads/下载整个安装程序?

Is there any benefits or time saving capabilities when I install my local MYSQL setup via BREW?当我通过 BREW 安装本地 MYSQL 设置时,是否有任何好处或节省时间的功能?

Vs.对比using the site:使用网站:

  • Using brew or your package manager saves you the time (you don't have to hunt around for a download on the site).使用 brew 或您的包管理器可以节省您的时间(您不必在网站上四处寻找下载)。

  • The site can deliver the software in one of many unpredictable ways (eg, as anything from a script that installs things via your package manager or compiles from in situ resources), including ways that disrupt dependencies of other installed software (which is why installing via package manager is safer and why installing things in this way, around the package manager, should be avoided unless necessary).该站点可以通过许多不可预测的方式之一交付软件(例如,作为通过包管理器安装东西或从原位资源编译的脚本中的任何东西),包括破坏其他已安装软件的依赖关系的方式(这就是为什么通过安装包管理器更安全,为什么除非必要,否则应避免在包管理器周围以这种方式安装东西)。

Vs.对比your ordinary package manager:你的普通包管理器:

  • brew doesn't need sudo; brew 不需要 sudo; it doesn't write new software versions over old software versions on the system or break system dependencies.它不会在系统上的旧软件版本上编写新软件版本或破坏系统依赖性。 Indeed, one of brew's perks is installation into user-specific directories and version-specific subdirectories.事实上,brew 的好处之一是安装到特定于用户的目录和特定于版本的子目录中。 You can think of it as a more flexible, power-usery version of the package manager.您可以将其视为包管理器的更灵活、更强大的版本。

  • brew can install things not packaged by your distro or newer versions of those things than are packages by your distro. brew 可以安装你的发行版没有打包的东西,或者比你的发行版的包更新的版本。

  • brew is also cross-platform (works on Windows, Linux, and macOS). brew 也是跨平台的(适用于 Windows、Linux 和 macOS)。

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