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[英]reading ini files using fscanf in c

I'm having a problem parsing an .ini file . 我在解析.ini file遇到问题。 I know there are lots of post on this topic, and I have read many of them. 我知道有很多关于该主题的文章,并且我已经阅读了很多。 my ini file have only one entry : 我的ini file只有一个entry


Source Code: 源代码:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

static FILE *ini_file;
char font[20];

void LoadConfig()
    char Setting[20],Value[20];
    int EndOfFile = 0;
    if ((ini_file = fopen("config.ini", "r")))
        EndOfFile = fscanf(ini_file, "%[^=]=%s", Setting, &Value);
        while (EndOfFile != EOF)
            if(strcmp(Setting,"font") == 0)
            EndOfFile = fscanf(ini_file, "%[^=]=%s", Setting, &Value);

The problem is that, the value is not never read into the font variable . 问题在于,该值永远不会读入font variable

SefFault could be caused by the & before Value, but even after removing if, you could still read a value longer than 20 characters. SefFault可能是由&之前的值引起的,但是即使删除了if,您仍然可以读取超过20个字符的 And some ini files can contain comment lines that does not follow the pattern and will break you progran 而且某些ini文件可能包含不遵循该模式的注释行,并且会破坏您的程序

You really should: 您确实应该:

  • read line by line with fgets into a buffer of at least 255 characters - repeat until end of file : while (NULL != fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) { ...} fgets逐行读取至少255个字符的缓冲区-重复直到文件结尾: while (NULL != fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) { ...}
  • use sscanf to parse each line and ignore every non conformant one: 使用sscanf解析每一行并忽略每一个不符合要求的行:

     if (2 == sscanf(line, "%19[^=]=%19s", Setting, Value) { ... } 

Use fgets to read each line in the file. 使用fgets读取文件中的每一行。 strpbrk could be used to locate the equal and the newline and copy that span of characters to the variables. strpbrk可用于查找等号和换行符,并将该范围的字符复制到变量中。

void LoadConfig()
    char Setting[100] = {'\0'},Value[100] = {'\0'}, line[300] = {'\0'};
    size_t span = 0;
    if ((ini_file = fopen("config.ini", "r")))
        while ( fgets ( line, sizeof ( line), ini_file))//read each line
            char *equal = strpbrk ( line, "=");//find the equal
            if ( equal)//found the equal
                span = equal - line;
                memcpy ( Setting, line, span);
                Setting[span] = '\0';
                if(strcmp(Setting,"font") == 0)
                    equal++;//advance past the =
                    char *nl = strpbrk ( equal, "\n");//fine the newline
                    if ( nl)//found the newline
                        span = nl - equal;
                        memcpy ( font, nl, span);
                        font[span] = '\0';

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