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[英]Android face detection alternatives

I have sucesfully implemented face detection in my app using Android's Camera.FaceDetectionListener (following the Android Developers guide ), but unfortunatelly some devices does not support this feature. 我已经使用Android的Camera.FaceDetectionListener (在《 Android开发者指南》之后Camera.FaceDetectionListener在我的应用中实现了人脸检测,但不幸的是,某些设备不支持此功能。 Is there another way to achieve the same result? 还有另一种方法可以达到相同的结果吗?

I usually work with OpenCV to make image processing algorithms. 我通常使用OpenCV制作图像处理算法。

http://opencv.org/platforms/android.html http://opencv.org/platforms/android.html

Its algorithms are much better than Android face detection, besides if you download the SDK you have a faceDetection example. 它的算法比Android人脸检测要好得多,此外,如果您下载SDK,还会有一个faceDetection示例。

Here are the downloads: 这里是下载:

http://opencv.org/downloads.html http://opencv.org/downloads.html

The sdk, handles camera api 2, which it works at 30 fps, with a wrapper if you want to process video frames. sdk处理相机api 2,如果要处理视频帧,它可以使用包装器以30 fps的速度工作。 Besides there are samples where you can mix Java OpenCV code with JNI code, to make so much faster your algorithm. 此外,还有一些示例,您可以在其中混合Java OpenCV代码和JNI代码,以使您的算法更快。

Unfortunately, these examples are made on Eclipse projects, but they are not difficult to merge into Android studio project. 不幸的是,这些示例是在Eclipse项目上制作的,但是将它们合并到Android Studio项目中并不难。

I hope that these references are useful 我希望这些参考有用

Cheers. 干杯。

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