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我的确定性图灵机无法工作,因为我的 equals 和 indexof 方法没有抛出源错误

[英]my deterministic turing machine won't work, because my equals and indexof method throw no source error

I have the problem, that my equals method doesnt work as i want it to.我有一个问题,我的 equals 方法不能像我想要的那样工作。 I want to implement a deterministic turing machine, so I want to add the method findCommand(), which searchs through a arraylist of commands.我想实现一个确定性图灵机,所以我想添加方法 findCommand(),它搜索命令数组列表。 So I decided to create a searchDummy to find all Transitions that are available for the Configuration I have.因此,我决定创建一个 searchDummy 来查找可用于我拥有的配置的所有转换。

Class States:类状态:

public class States {

private int stateId;
private boolean rejState;
private boolean accState;
private boolean stopState;
private List<Commands> commands = new ArrayList<Commands>();

equals in class States:等于类状态:

public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    } else if (other instanceof States) {
        States otherState = (States) other;
        return (stateId == otherState.stateId);
    } else {
        return false;


@Override public int hashCode() {
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(stateId);
    return b.toString().hashCode();

this is the findCommand method in States:这是状态中的 findCommand 方法:

    public Commands findCommand(States state, char inputTapeChar, 
        char[] tapeChars) {
    Commands searchDummy = new Commands(state, inputTapeChar, tapeChars, 
            null, null, null, null);
    int pos = commands.indexOf(searchDummy);
    return pos >= 0 ? commands.get(pos) : null;

commands is my arraylist, so I want to find the searchDummy with indexOf().命令是我的数组列表,所以我想用 indexOf() 找到 searchDummy。

I have the class Commands, which holds the attribute Configuration configuration, the class Configuration, which holds the attributes of a Configuration and the attribute Transition transition and the class transition that holds the attributes for itself.我有类 Commands,它保存属性 Configuration 配置,类 Configuration,它保存 Configuration 的属性和属性 Transition 转换以及保存自身属性的类转换。

Class Commands:类命令:

public class Commands implements Comparable<Commands> {

private Configuration configuration;

Class Configuration:班级配置:

public class Configuration {

private Transition transition;
private States state;
private char inputTapeChar;
private char[] tapeChars;

Class Transition:类转换:

public class Transition {

private States targetState;
private Direction inputTapeHeadMove;
private char[] newTapeChars;
private Direction[] tapeHeadMoves;

i have this equals method in Commands:我在命令中有这个 equals 方法:

@Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
} else if (other instanceof Commands) {
Commands otherCmd = (Commands) other;
return (configuration.equals(otherCmd.configuration));
} else { 
return false; 

and this hashcode和这个哈希码

    public int hashCode() {
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(configuration.getState() + "," 
    + configuration.getInputTapeChar());
    for (char c : configuration.getTapeChars()) {
        b.append("," + c);
    return b.toString().hashCode();

then almost the same in Configuration:然后在配置中几乎相同:

public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    } else if (other instanceof Configuration) {
        Configuration otherConfi = (Configuration) other;
        return (state.equals(otherConfi.state))
               && (inputTapeChar == otherConfi.inputTapeChar)
               && (Arrays.equals(tapeChars, otherConfi.tapeChars));
    } else {
        return false;


public int hashCode() {
    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(state + "," + inputTapeChar);
    for (char c : tapeChars) {
        b.append("," + c);
    return b.toString().hashCode();

equales in class State:等于类状态:

public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (this == other) {
        return true;
    } else if (other instanceof States) {
        States otherState = (States) other;
        return (stateId == otherState.stateId);
    } else {
        return false;

so my question: when I debug this it goes through until it's finished with the checks but when it should return the value it stucks at Configuration.equals(...) and shows the error no source found!所以我的问题是:当我调试它时,它会一直持续到检查完成,但是当它应该返回值时,它会停留在 Configuration.equals(...) 并显示没有找到源的错误!

what is the problem?问题是什么? Are the hashcodes wrong?哈希码是错误的吗? Or are the equals wrong?还是等号错了?

I never used equals before so I dont know when i need to use it or how i need to fix this.我以前从未使用过 equals,所以我不知道什么时候需要使用它或我需要如何解决这个问题。 thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

Your hashCode implementation looks suspect - all that String stuff is not standard.您的hashCode实现看起来很可疑 - 所有 String 的东西都不是标准的。

For example for your Transition class should be something like this:例如,您的 Transition 类应该是这样的:

public int hashCode() {
    int result = 17;
    result = 31 * result + targetState.hashCode();
    result = 31 * result + inputTapeHeadMove.hashCode();
    result = 31 * result + newTapeChars.hashCode();
    result = 31 * tapeHeadMoves.hashCode();
    return result;

Most IDEs will offer autogen of hashCode and equals methods.大多数 IDE 将提供hashCodeequals方法的自动生成。

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