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Linq to XML基于属性检索值

[英]Linq to XML to retrieve value based on Attribute

I have a Linq to Xml query that needs to retrieve a value based on the attribute value of a particular node. 我有一个Linq to Xml查询,该查询需要根据特定节点的属性值检索一个值。 I'm trying to retrieve a list of items and one of the nodes has an attribute that I can't seem to find a way to get the value. 我正在尝试检索项目列表,并且其中一个节点的属性似乎无法找到一种获取值的方法。 Here's the XML: 这是XML:

            <narrative>Planned start</narrative>
            <narrative xml:lang="fr">Début prévu</narrative>
                The date on which the activity is planned to start, for example the date of the first planned disbursement or when physical activity starts.
            <narrative>Actual start</narrative>
            <narrative xml:lang="fr">Début réel</narrative>
                The actual date the activity starts, for example the date of the first disbursement or when physical activity starts.

I'm only displaying 2 items to keep it short. 我只显示2个项目以使其简短。 And here is my Linq query to try and retrieve the value from "name/narrative" where there is a "xml:lang='fr'" attribute: 这是我的Linq查询,尝试从“ name / narrative”中检索存在“ xml:lang ='fr'”属性的值:

XElement xelement = XElement.Load(xmlFile);

var elements = from adt in xelement.Elements("codelist-items").Elements("codelist-item")
               select new ActivityDateType
                   Code = (string)adt.Element("code"),
                   NameEng = (string)adt.Element("name").Element("narrative"),
                   NameFra = (string)adt.Element("name").Element("narrative[@xml:lang='fr']"),
                   Description = (string)adt.Element("description")

return elements;

Anyone know how to get the value for NameFra? 有人知道如何获取NameFra的值吗?

Thanks 谢谢

You can either use LINQ FirstOrDefault() with predicate that filters the element by its attribute value : 您可以将LINQ FirstOrDefault()与用于通过元素的属性值过滤元素的谓词一起使用:

NameFra = (string)adt.Element("name")
                     .FirstOrDefault(o => (string)o.Attribute(XNamespace.Xml+"lang") == "fr"),

Or use XPathSelectElement() extension to execute your XPath expression which already contains attribute filtering logic : 或使用XPathSelectElement()扩展来执行您的XPath表达式,该表达式已包含属性过滤逻辑:

NameFra = (string)adt.Element("name")
                     .XPathSelectElement("narrative[@xml:lang='fr']", nsmgr),

The latter can be simplified further to the following : 后者可以进一步简化为以下内容:

NameFra = (string)adt.XPathSelectElement("name/narrative[@xml:lang='fr']", nsmgr),

nsmgr assumed has previously been declared as follow : 假设以前已声明的nsmgr如下:

var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());

nsmgr was needed because the XPath contains prefix xml ( XPathSelectElement() complained when I use the overload which accepts just XPath string argument without namespace manager). nsmgr是必需的,因为XPath包含前缀xml (当我使用仅接受XPath字符串参数而没有名称空间管理器的重载时,会抱怨XPathSelectElement() )。

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