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为什么 IIFE 这个关键字指的是 window 对象..?

[英]Why IIFE this keyword refers to window object..?

When I run the below IFFE, why does the this keyword refer to the window object and not to a variable?当我运行以下IFFE,为什么this关键字指的是window对象,而不是a变量?

var a = {
 printThis : function () {
 console.log('printThis', this);
  var inner = (function () {
    console.log('inner', this);


Result in the following output:导致以下输出:

printThis **an object**

inner **window object**   <-- why..?

 var a = { printThis: function() { console.log('printThis', this); var inner = (function() { console.log('inner', this); })(); } }; a.printThis();

Consider the following example:考虑以下示例:

var a = {};
var b = {};
a.hello = function() { console.log(this); };
b.hello = a.hello;

In most programming languages, b.hello() would print a since they base this on where the function is.在大多数编程语言, b.hello()将打印a ,因为他们立足this在哪里的功能。 The function is in a , so this is a .函数在a ,所以thisa Makes sense, right?有道理吧?

However, JavaScript is a bit different in that regard.然而,JavaScript 在这方面有点不同。 Instead of where it is , it's based on how it was called .不是哪里,而是基于它的调用方式 b.hello() calls hello on b , thus this is set to b . b.hello()b上调用hello ,因此this被设置为b This also makes sense since JavaScript doesn't really have a concept of "where" a function is (unlike methods in, say, Java, which are always tied to a specific class), and it's hard to determine that a is where it "is".这也是有道理的,因为 JavaScript 并没有真正的函数“在哪里”的概念(不像 Java 中的方法,它总是与特定的类相关联),并且很难确定a是它的位置“是”。

So, foo.bar() will always set this to foo for the purposes of this call to bar (unless one has used bind or similar to bind this to a specific value in advance).因此, foo.bar()将始终将this设置为foo以用于对bar调用(除非已经使用bind或类似方法预先将this绑定到特定值)。

Now, an IIFE is invoked on... nothing, really.现在,一个 IIFE 被调用...没有,真的。 It's not a foo.bar() situation, it's just a bar() where bar is your function expression.这不是foo.bar()情况,它只是bar() ,其中bar是您的函数表达式。 In cases like this where there's no foo , it defaults to the window object.在没有foo ,它默认为window对象。

There are two simple workarounds:有两种简单的解决方法:

  1. Create a variable outside the IIFE containing the value you´re interested in: var that = this;在 IIFE 之外创建一个包含您感兴趣的值的变量: var that = this; and use that instead of this in the IIFE, or并且使用that不是this在IIFE,或
  2. bind the this value: (function(){ CODE GOES HERE }).bind(this)(); bind this值: (function(){ CODE GOES HERE }).bind(this)();

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