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Azure SQL Server设置被阻止

[英]Azure SQL Server provisioning blocked

I'm using Powershell with resource templates to provision SQL Servers (and databases) in Azure. 我正在使用Powershell和资源模板在Azure中配置SQL Server(和数据库)。 After a few provisions it starts returning this error: 经过一些规定后,它开始返回此错误:

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 2:40:18 PM - Resource Microsoft.Sql/servers 'oao-sql01-gd6helghx' failed with message 'Subscription 'mysubscription Guid here' is not ready for the operation because another operation is currently in progress. New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment:2:40:18 PM-资源Microsoft.Sql /服务器'oao-sql01-gd6helghx'失败,消息为'Subscription'mysubscription Guid here',该操作尚未准备就绪,因为当前正在进行另一项操作。 Please wait a few minutes and then try the operation again.' 请等待几分钟,然后重试该操作。”

There is no operation currently in progress that I can ascertain. 我目前无法确定任何操作。 Any Sql Servers I have provisioned are operational and I am able to provision other kinds of resources with no problems. 我提供的任何Sql Server都可以运行,并且我可以毫无问题地提供其他种类的资源。

If I wait several hours (not a few minutes), it will let me provision a new server but soon after blocks me again. 如果我等待几个小时(而不是几分钟),它将让我置备新服务器,但不久之后又再次阻止了我。 Is there some kind of throttling going on if I am doing a bunch of provisioning/teardown? 如果我要进行大量的配置/拆卸,是否会出现某种限制?

Any ideas are appreciated. 任何想法表示赞赏。

Turns out that after Azure support bumped my quota of SQL Server, this began to work a while later. 事实证明,在Azure支持增加了我对SQL Server的配额之后,这在不久后开始起作用。 Not sure why it took so long to kick in as I only had 1 server at the time. 不知道为什么要花这么长时间才能启动,因为当时我只有1台服务器。 The best explanation was that the counter tracking the number of DB's against our quota got stale and didn't clear for a while. 最好的解释是,按照我们的配额跟踪数据库数量的计数器过时了,并且暂时没有清除。 The default quota is 6 SQL Server instances. 默认配额为6个SQL Server实例。

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