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[英]Why does this code compile with gcc but not with clang

This code works perfectly fine with gcc/g++ and msvc but not with clang. 这段代码与gcc / g ++和msvc完全兼容,但与clang无关。 It keeps complaining that no matching function for Log was found, what is going on? 它一直抱怨没有找到Log的匹配功能,发生了什么?

#include <iostream>

template <typename Function, typename... Args>
auto Call(Function func, Args&&... args) -> typename std::result_of<Function&(Args&&...)>::type
    return func(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template <typename T, typename... Args>
T (*Log( T (*FuncPtr)(Args...) ))(Args...)
    return FuncPtr;

int main()
    auto r = Log(Call<int(int), int>)([](int x){
        return x*10;
    }, 10);
    std::cerr << r << std::endl;

Error: 错误:

> error: no matching function for call to 'Log'
>     auto r = Log(Call<int(int), int>)([](int x){
>              ^~~ test7.cpp:15:5: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T' T (*Log( T (*FuncPtr)(Args...)
> ))(Args...)
>     ^ 1 error generated.

I believe that this code is incorrect. 我相信这段代码不正确。 The function parameter to Log cannot be used for template argument deduction in this case because the argument is a non-deduced context. 在这种情况下, Log的函数参数不能用于模板参数推导,因为参数是非推导的上下文。

From [temp.deduct.type] in the standard, p5 lists the non-deduced contexts, and p5.5 says: 从标准中的[temp.deduct.type]开始,p5列出了非推导的上下文,p5.5表示:

A function parameter for which argument deduction cannot be done because the associated function argument is a function, or a set of overloaded functions (13.4), and one or more of the following apply: 由于关联的函数参数是函数或一组重载函数(13.4)而无法进行参数推导的函数参数,以及以下一个或多个适用:

and p5.5.3 says: 和p5.5.3说:

the set of functions supplied as an argument contains one or more function templates. 作为参数提供的函数集包含一个或多个函数模板。

My interpretation is that you have a function parameter for which the function argument is a (pointer to) a function and that function is a function template. 我的解释是你有一个函数参数,函数参数是函数的一个(指向),函数是一个函数模板。

Arguably, because this isn't an overload set, this might be something that could be allowed in the future, but I read the standard as not guaranteeing that this technique will work. 可以说,因为这不是一个重载集,这可能是未来可以允许的,但我读标准并不能保证这种技术能够正常工作。

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