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[英]SQL syntax error '' near line way outside my file length

I have this code to send the data of 3 input fields for an id-number and 2 dates (2 selectors, one text field) to my database. 我有这段代码可以将3个输入字段的ID号和2个日期(2个选择器,一个文本字段)的数据发送到我的数据库。 All 3 columns are VARCHAR. 所有3列均为VARCHAR。 I am using a form with method POST. 我正在使用带有POST方法的表单。

I get this error: 我收到此错误:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; 您的SQL语法有误; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 336 检查与您的MariaDB服务器版本相对应的手册以获取正确的语法以在第336行的''附近使用

I do not have 336 lines in any of my files. 我的任何文件中都没有336行。

This is what PHP and SQL code I have in my file. 这就是我文件中包含的PHP和SQL代码。 I've been going through it for a long while now but can't seem to find where this syntax error lies. 我已经花了很长时间了,但是似乎找不到此语法错误所在。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

//Fetches the id of the konsert selected.
$id = $_GET['id'];

//Create DB object
$db = new Database();

//Create query to fetch personel
$query = "SELECT * FROM funktionar";

//Run above query
$personel = $db->select($query);

//Fetch all from konsert matching the id
$query = "SELECT * FROM konsert WHERE konsertID=".$id;

//Run above query
$konsert = $db->select($query);

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    //Assign variables
    $namn = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->link, $_POST['personalID']);
    $tidStart = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->link, $_POST['tidStart']);
    $tidSlut = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->link, $_POST['tidSlut']);

    //Simple validation
    if($namn == '' || $tidStart == '' || $tidSlut == ''){
        //Set error if any field is left empty
        $error = 'V&auml;nligen fyll i alla f&auml;lt.';
        } else {
        $query = "INSERT INTO sakerhet
            (personalID, tidStart, tidSlut)
            VALUES ('$namn', '$tidStart', '$tidSlut')";

        $insert_row = $db->insert($query);

EDIT: Have added the insert function: 编辑:添加了插入功能:

public function insert($query) {
       $insert_row = $this->link->query($query) or die($this->link->error.__LINE__);

       //Validate insert
       if($insert_row) {
           header("Location: index.php?msg=".urlencode('Record Added'));
       } else {
           die('Error : ('.$this->link->errno .') '.$this->link->error);


Final and working solution. 最终和可行的解决方案。 This SQL error occured due to: 出现此SQL错误的原因是:

  • Missing table column. 缺少表格栏。 While the error was too vague to give this direct answer I put all input data into simple variables instead á "$selected = $_POST['name']" and echoed the variables á "echo $konsert;", etc, to check so the data was fetched properly from its form. 尽管错误太模糊,无法给出直接答案,但我将所有输入数据放入简单变量中,而不是放入“ $ selected = $ _POST ['name']”,然后回显了变量“ echo $ konsert;”,以此类推。数据是从其形式中正确提取的。 Commenting out the query as I did. 像我一样注释掉查询。
  • Likely wrong use of either mysqli_real_escape_string or "->link->"? mysqli_real_escape_string或“-> link->”的可能错误使用? I do not work in sessions with this project as it's not required and won't go public so removing this will be alright for me. 我不需要参加这个项目的会议,因为它不是必需的,也不会公开发布,因此删除它对我来说是可以的。

Conclusion It wasn't as much a syntax error as the query having problems executing itself due to above. 结束语与上面提到的查询执行自身的问题相比,这并不是语法错误。 The syntax was correct. 语法正确。

Disclaimer This code is not 100% safe nor 100% done. 免责声明此代码不是100%安全的,也不是100%完成的。 The input fields are NOT sanitised and as was pointed out to me by @EagleRainbow it is not safe to use the "$id = $_GET['id'];". 输入字段未清除,正如@EagleRainbow指出的那样,使用“ $ id = $ _GET ['id'];”并不安全。


//Fetches the id of the konsert selected.
$id = $_GET['id'];

//Create DB object
$db = new Database();

//Create query to fetch personel
$query = "SELECT * FROM funktionar";

//Run above query
$personel = $db->select($query);

//Select all from table sakerhet
$query = "SELECT * FROM sakerhet";

//Run above query
$safety = $db->select($query);

//Fetch all from konsert matching the id
$query = "SELECT * FROM konsert WHERE konsertID=".$id;

//Run above query
$konsert = $db->select($query);

    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        //Assign variables
        $selected = $_POST['safetyName'];
        $tidStart = $_POST['tidStart'];
        $tidSlut = $_POST['tidSlut'];
        $konsert = $id;

        //Simple validation
        if($selected == '' || $tidStart == '' || $tidSlut == ''){
            //Set error if any field is left empty
            $error = "V&auml;nligen fyll i alla f&auml;lt.";
            } else {
                $query = "INSERT INTO sakerhet (personalID, tidStart, tidSlut, konsertID) VALUES ('$selected', '$tidStart', '$tidSlut', '$konsert')";
                $insert_row = $db->insert($query);

Code from database file 数据库文件中的代码

public function insert($query) {
       $insert_row = $this->link->query($query) or die($this->link->error.__LINE__);

       //Validate insert
       if($insert_row) {
           header("Location: index.php?msg=".urlencode('Record Added'));
       } else {
           die('Error : ('.$this->link->errno .') '.$this->link->error);


Thanks for the help given. 感谢您的帮助。

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