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[英]use php to increment a date one week at a time with 10 iterations

I want to increment a start date by 1 week 10 times. 我想将开始日期增加1周10次。 This code doesn't work: 此代码不起作用:


$start_date = "06/25/2012";  
$date = strtotime($start_date);

while ($X <= 10) {$X++; $Y=7*$X;

$date = strtotime("+ $Y days", $date);
echo date('m/d/Y', $date)."<br>";


gives: 得到:


This is wrong! 这是错的!

May be you are looking for this: Online Example 可能你正在寻找这个: 在线示例

$start_date = "06/25/2012";  
$date = strtotime($start_date);

while ($X <= 10) {
    $date = strtotime("+1 weeks", $date);
    echo date('m/d/Y', $date)."<br>";

Using DateTime objects: 使用DateTime对象:

$date = new DateTime('2012-06-25');
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    $date->modify('+1 week');
    echo $date->format('m/d/Y');

Ideone: https://ideone.com/7mVkmW Ideone: https ://ideone.com/7mVkmW

Try this code. 试试这个代码。 This will give you list of 1 week period dates 50 times. 这将为您提供50周的1周期限列表。

$date = "05/01/2016";
$weekDates = '';

for ( $i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++ ) {
   $date = date("m/d/Y", strtotime("+1 weeks", strtotime($date)));
   $weekDates .= $date . '<br>';

echo $weekDates;

Answer: 回答:


$start_date = "06/25/2012";  
$date = strtotime($start_date);
$newDate = $date;

for ($x = 1; $x<=10; $x++)
    $newDate = $newDate + (86400*7);//adding the amount of seconds in a week
    $buffer = date("n/j/Y", $newDate);
    echo "{$buffer}<br>";

Explanation of the code: 代码说明:

What the previous code does is it first converts the date "06/25/2012" into a unix timestamp. 以前的代码所做的是它首先将日期"06/25/2012"转换为unix时间戳。 A unix timestamp is an integer value that represents how much time (in seconds) has passed since January 1st of 1970. In the previous code, both $date and $newDate are unix timestamp values that look like the following big number: 1464330512 unix时间戳是一个整数值,表示自1970年1月1日以来经过的时间(以秒为单位)。在前面的代码中, $date$newDate都是unix时间戳值,看起来像以下大数字: 1464330512

From there, you want to create a loop. 从那里,你想要创建一个循环。 I preferred to use a for loop because it is very easy to read and suits your purpose. 我更喜欢使用for循环,因为它非常易于阅读并且适合您的目的。 A while loop can also be done, though you would have to create a count of sorts if you choose that loop instead. 也可以使用while循环,但如果选择该循环,则必须创建排序count

From there, what the code above does is that it modifies $newDate on every loop by adding the amount of seconds in a week to it ( 86400*7 ). 从那里开始,上面的代码是通过在一周内为它添加秒数( 86400*7 )来修改每个循环上的$newDate After altering $newDate , the $buffer value then converts the $newDate to the same format as your original date, and echoes it. 改变后$newDate ,在$buffer值,那么转换$newDate以相同的格式,你原来的日期,并呼应它。

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