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我如何在 mips 中将新行打印到文本文件中,它只是打印一个空格

[英]How i can print a new line to a text file in mips it just print a space

I have the following code in MIPS that i run it in mars simulator The code open a text file for writing The problem with the result it keep printing all strings that i provide in My code without printing any new line i tried to separate new line from the string it did not work it keeping print space instead of new line Here is my code我在 MIPS 中有以下代码,我在 mars 模拟器中运行它 代码打开一个文本文件进行写入 结果的问题是它不断打印我在我的代码中提供的所有字符串而不打印任何新行 我试图将新行与它不起作用的字符串保留打印空间而不是换行这是我的代码


fout:   .asciiz "testout.txt"      # filename for output
buffer: .asciiz "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
buffer1:  .asciiz "\n"
 .globl main

  # Open (for writing) a file that does not exist    
  li   $v0, 13       # system call for open file    
  la   $a0, fout     # output file name    
  li   $a1, 1        # Open for writing (flags are 0: read, 1: write)    
  li   $a2, 0        # modeA is ignored    
  syscall            # open a file (file descriptor returned in $v0)    
  move $s6, $v0      # save the file descriptor     

  # Write to file just opened    
  li   $v0, 15       # system call for write to file    
  move $a0, $s6      # file descriptor     
  la   $a1, buffer   # address of buffer from which to write    
  li   $a2, 46      # hardcoded buffer length    
  syscall            # write to file    

  # Write to file just opened    
  li   $v0, 15       # system call for write to file    
  move $a0, $s6      # file descriptor     
  la   $a1, buffer1 # address of buffer from which to write    
  li   $a2, 1     # hardcoded buffer length    
  syscall            # write to file    

  # Write to file just opened
  li   $v0, 15       # system call for write to file    
  move $a0, $s6      # file descriptor 
  la   $a1, buffer   # address of buffer from which to write    
  li   $a2, 44       # hardcoded buffer length    
  syscall            # write to file    

  # Close the file 
  li   $v0, 16       # system call for close file
  move $a0, $s6      # file descriptor to close
  syscall            # close       
  li $v0,10 

Your base code was pretty much correct.您的基本代码非常正确。 And well commented!并且好评! Good job.干得好。

The main issue was that you were hardwiring the string lengths.主要问题是您硬连线了字符串长度。

In the first syscall for buffer , the length was 46 [too high] and the file got an EOS char on the line.buffer的第一个系统调用中,长度为46 [太高] 并且文件在线上有一个 EOS 字符。 There was a newline output after that.后换行输出。

In the second syscall for buffer , the length was 44 [too low] and the file line was chopped.buffer的第二个系统调用中,长度为44 [太低] 并且文件行被截断。 There was no newline output after that because you didn't do a syscall for one.之后没有换行输出,因为你没有为一个系统调用。

So, the simple fix would be to just manually adjust the lengths, but I'd recommend a strlen approach to output of text strings, just like you'd do in C.因此,简单的解决方法是手动调整长度,但我建议使用strlen方法来输出文本字符串,就像您在 C 中所做的那样。

I modified your code to add an fputs function that has the strlen as an internal loop [please pardon the gratuitous style cleanup]:我修改了您的代码以添加一个fputs函数,该函数将strlen作为内部循环 [请原谅无偿的样式清理]:


fout:       .asciiz     "testout.txt"   # filename for output
buffer:     .asciiz     "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
nl:         .asciiz     "\n"

    .globl  main


    # Open (for writing) a file that does not exist
    li      $v0,13                  # system call for open file
    la      $a0,fout                # output file name
    li      $a1,1                   # Open for writing (flags are 0: read, 1: write)
    li      $a2,0                   # modeA is ignored
    syscall                         # open a file (file descriptor returned in $v0)
    move    $s6,$v0                 # save the file descriptor

    # Write to file just opened

    # output string the first time
    la      $a1,buffer
    jal     fputs

    # output newline
    la      $a1,nl
    jal     fputs

    # output string the second time
    la      $a1,buffer
    jal     fputs

    # output newline
    la      $a1,nl
    jal     fputs

    # Close the file
    li      $v0,16                  # system call for close file
    move    $a0,$s6                 # file descriptor to close
    syscall                         # close

    li      $v0,10

# fputs -- output string to file
# arguments:
#   a1 -- buffer address
#   s6 -- file descriptor
# registers:
#   t0 -- current buffer char
#   a2 -- buffer length
    move    $a2,$a1                 # get buffer address

    lb      $t0,0($a2)              # get next character -- is it EOS?
    addiu   $a2,$a2,1               # pre-increment pointer
    bnez    $t0,fputs_loop          # no, loop

    subu    $a2,$a2,$a1             # get strlen + 1
    subiu   $a2,$a2,1               # compensate for pre-increment

    move    $a0,$s6                 # get file descriptor
    li      $v0,15                  # syscall for write to file

    jr      $ra                     # return


I used your code mars still exists there is no new line to be printed.我用你的代码 mars 仍然存在,没有要打印的新行。 mars ignores the new line and treat it as a null value. mars 忽略新行并将其视为空值。

I'm not sure what is happening on your end.我不确定你那边发生了什么。 I had tested this in mars and the code is correct.我已经在mars测试过了,代码是正确的。 Here is the hex dump of testout.txt [which I had verified before posting]:这是testout.txt的十六进制转储 [我在发布前已经验证过]:

00000000: 54686520 71756963 6B206272 6F776E20  The quick brown
00000010: 666F7820 6A756D70 73206F76 65722074  fox jumps over t
00000020: 6865206C 617A7920 646F672E 0A546865  he lazy dog..The
00000030: 20717569 636B2062 726F776E 20666F78   quick brown fox
00000040: 206A756D 7073206F 76657220 74686520   jumps over the
00000050: 6C617A79 20646F67 2E0A               lazy dog..

By contrast, the hex dump for your original code was:相比之下,原始代码的十六进制转储是:

00000000: 54686520 71756963 6B206272 6F776E20  The quick brown
00000010: 666F7820 6A756D70 73206F76 65722074  fox jumps over t
00000020: 6865206C 617A7920 646F672E 000A0A54  he lazy dog....T
00000030: 68652071 7569636B 2062726F 776E2066  he quick brown f
00000040: 6F78206A 756D7073 206F7665 72207468  ox jumps over th
00000050: 65206C61 7A792064 6F672E             e lazy dog.

The only thing I can think of that might make a difference is the OS.我唯一能想到的可能会有所不同的是操作系统。 I'm using linux.我正在使用Linux。 What is your OS?你的操作系统是什么? Windows?窗户? If so, the nl might need to be:如果是这样,则nl可能需要是:

nl:   .asciiz    "\r\n"

All other OSes should be fine.所有其他操作系统应该没问题。

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