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[英]Is it possible to use orWhereRaw more than once in a bookshelf.js query?

I am trying to create a function which would allow the user to search by multiple parameters. 我正在尝试创建一个函数,该函数将允许用户通过多个参数进行搜索。 Here is the code. 这是代码。

async function searchUsers(searchText) {
    searchText = "'%" + searchText + "%'";
  } else {
    searchText = searchText;

  let results = await User.query({whereRaw: ' (`firstName` LIKE ' + searchText , orWhereRaw: '`lastName` LIKE ' + searchText
    , orWhereRaw: '`username` LIKE' + searchText, orWhereRaw: '`providerId` =' + searchText + ")"}).fetchAll();

  return results.toJSON();

Now when running this function, this is what I see in my command line. 现在,当运行此功能时,这就是我在命令行中看到的内容。

sql: 'select `users`.* from `users` where  (`firstName` LIKE 1 or `providerId` =1)' }

As you can plainly see the query is only including firstName and providerId. 如您所见,查询仅包含firstName和providerId。 There is no mention of lastName or username. 没有提及lastName或用户名。

How can I include all parameters? 如何包含所有参数?

Your error is using the same key twice in the same object. 您的错误是在同一对象中两次使用相同的键。 The second overwrites the first. 第二个覆盖第一个。

assert.deepEqual({ a: true }, { a: false, a: true });

Use a linter to prevent this kind of problem. 用短绒棉防止这种问题。

Solution: 解:

let results = await User.query(queryBuilder => queryBuilder
  .whereRaw('`firstName` LIKE ?', searchText)
  .orWhereRaw('`lastName` LIKE ?', searchText)
  .orWhereRaw('`username` LIKE ?', searchText)
  .orWhereRaw('`providerId` = ?', searchText)

Although that wont produce the parentheses you want. 虽然那样不会产生您想要的括号。 You don't need any raw queries for what you're doing. 您无需对自己的工作进行任何原始查询。 It's pretty standard stuff. 这是很标准的东西。

let results = await User
  .where('firstName', 'like', searchText)
  .orWhere(function () {
    this.where('firstName', 'like', searchText)
      .orWhere('lastName' 'like', searchText)
      .orWhere('username', 'like', searchText)
      .orWhere('providerId', searchText)

Refer to Knex docs for more info. 有关更多信息,请参考Knex文档

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