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使用StringObjectIdGenerator时,MongoDB C#不会为_id / ObjectId生成值

[英]MongoDB C# does not generate a value for _id/ObjectId when using StringObjectIdGenerator

I am trying to follow the example here , but something is not working right. 我正在尝试按照此处的示例进行操作,但是某些方法无法正常工作。 I've implemented the following: 我已经实现了以下情况:

My Model 我的模特

public class MyModel { 
       public string MyModelId { get; set; } 
       //Other properties 

My mapping 我的地图

    BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<MyModel>(cm =>
            cm.MapIdProperty(c => c.MyModelId)
                    .SetSerializer(new StringSerializer(BsonType.ObjectId));


My Insert 我的插入

        if (!BsonClassMap.IsClassMapRegistered(typeof(MyModel)))
            //Do the mapping above

        var collection = RetrieveCollection("MyModels"); //method used to retrieve an IMongoCollection from the database.
        var bsonDoc = model.ToBsonDocument(); //model is an argument passed in to the method of type MyModel


Every time it gets done doing the InsertOne() operation, there is no element in the BsonDocument for MyModelId. 每次完成InsertOne()操作后,BsonDocument中就没有MyModelId元素。 Furthermore, there is an element for _id in the BsonDocument that is always set to "BsonNull". 此外,BsonDocument中有一个用于_id的元素,该元素始终设置为“ BsonNull”。 Then if I try to insert again, MongoDB throws a " E11000 duplicate key error collection:" error, presumably because one already exists with a value of "BsonNull". 然后,如果我尝试再次插入,MongoDB会引发“ E11000重复键错误集合:”错误,大概是因为已经存在一个值“ BsonNull”。

If I comment out my mapping, an ObjectId value gets created for _id, but then I cannot deserialize back to MyModel. 如果我注释掉了映射,则会为_id创建一个ObjectId值,但随后我将无法反序列化回MyModel。

Why doesn't the StringObjectIdGenerator actually generate an ID? 为什么不StringObjectIdGenerator实际生成的ID?

Alright, with the some educated guessing after view This post , I tried the following: 好吧,鉴于查看此帖子后的一些有根据的猜测,我尝试了以下操作:

    BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<MyModel>(cm =>
        cm.MapIdProperty(c => c.MyModelId)
                .SetIgnoreIfDefault(true) //added this line
                .SetSerializer(new StringSerializer(BsonType.ObjectId));


This seems to have resolved the issue. 这似乎已经解决了问题。 When inserting the BsonDocument, I still saw the "_id" field, instead of "MyModelId". 插入BsonDocument时,我仍然看到“ _id”字段,而不是“ MyModelId”。 However the "_id" field had a value in it. 但是,“ _ id”字段中有一个值。 Furthermore when I retrieved the value from the collection, and deserialized it back to a MyModel object the MyModelId property was populated by the value previously saw in "_id". 此外,当我从集合中检索值并将其反序列化为MyModel对象时,MyModelId属性由先前在“ _id”中看到的值填充。

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