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[英]Bring Subview Above Everything But Below Another UIView

I am trying to place a UIView - popupView at the top, and another UIView (opaqueView) below popupView but above anything else. 我试图将一个UIView -popupView放在顶部,并在popupView下方但在其他任何上方放置另一个UIView (opaqueView)。 PopUpView is connected with an Outlet. PopUpView与插座连接。

func display() {
    popupView.center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.view.bounds), tableView.center.y);
    popupView.clipsToBounds = true

    let opaqueView = UIView()
    let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
    opaqueView.frame.size = CGSize(width: screenSize.width, height: screenSize.height)
    opaqueView.alpha = 0.6
    UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow!.insertSubview(opaqueView, belowSubview: popupView) 

Using this approach causes the opaqueView getting placed over everything including the popupView. 使用这种方法会使opaqueView放置在包括popupView在内的所有内容上。 Instead, I want to have popupView above opaqueView but keep opaqueView above everything else (view, TabBar, NavBar) 相反,我希望在opaqueView上方具有popupView,但在所有其他内容(视图,TabBar,NavBar)上方保持opaqueView

parent.insertSubview(child, belowSubview: sibling) works only when the sibling is a direct child of parent , so that child and sibling share the same parent. parent.insertSubview(child, belowSubview: sibling)仅在siblingparent的直接子代时起作用,以便childsibling共享同一父代。 The current code does not work because opaqueView (the child) and popupView (the sbiling) have different parents. 当前代码不起作用,因为opaqueView (子级)和popupView (sbiling)具有不同的父级。

That means either ① popupView should use the keyWindow as the parent, or ② opaqueView should use self.view as parent. 这意味着要么① popupView应该使用keyWindow作为母体,或② opaqueView应该使用self.view作为父节点。 Since you want opaqueView be above of everything, option ① is the only solution. 由于您希望opaqueView在一切之上,因此选项①是唯一的解决方案。

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