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[英]MAMP how can I configure apache port to something other than 80

Basically I am getting the error in this post: APACHE needs port 80 - MAMP . 基本上,我在这篇文章中得到错误: APACHE需要端口80-MAMP The solution to original post is to kill the tasks using Port 80. But I don't want to kill the tasks which I don't know. 解决原始帖子的方法是使用端口80杀死任务。但是我不想杀死我不知道的任务。

I have already changed the port number for Apache in MAMP UI. 我已经在MAMP UI中更改了Apache的端口号。 But I am still getting the same error message. 但是我仍然收到相同的错误消息。 Is there a way I can configure which port for Apache to use in MAMP? 有没有一种方法可以配置要在MAMP中使用的Apache端口?

  1. Quit MAMP (make sure servers are stopped) 退出MAMP(确保服务器已停止)
  2. Open Apache configuration page "c:\\MAMP\\conf\\apache\\httpd.conf" (with a text editor) 打开Apache配置页面"c:\\MAMP\\conf\\apache\\httpd.conf" (使用文本编辑器)
  3. Locate line "Listen 80" 找到行"Listen 80"
  4. Change to "Listen 8080" , save 更改为"Listen 8080" ,保存
  5. Run MAMP UI (you should see the port for Apache changed to 8080) 运行MAMP UI(您应该看到Apache的端口更改为8080)

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