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[英]How to write an entry (valueName and value) in Windows Registry

Similar question was already ask here and there're a lot of good answers. 类似的问题已经在这里提出并且有很多好的答案。 I choosed the piece of code from the 1. answer and with given good example could read some value from Windows Registry (WR). 我从1.答案中选择了一段代码,并给出了很好的例子,可以从Windows注册表(WR)中读取一些值。 Can anyone give me a good example please to write an entry (valueName and Value) in WR? 谁能给我一个很好的例子,请在WR中写一个条目(valueName和Value)? I'm not familiar with Java and that's why it's a little complicated for me to understand it without example:( The main Key is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , Subkey is Software\\\\Wow6432Node\\\\mySoft . The valueName and value that I want to write are: myPwd and a . Thanks! 我对Java不熟悉,这就是为什么没有示例我很难理解它:(主键是HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ,子键是Software\\\\Wow6432Node\\\\mySoft 。我要编写的valueName和值是: myPwda ,谢谢!

Please refer back to the same link here first answer to use the provided class WinRegistry, and then you can use its function writeStringValue 请先返回到同一链接,然后在此处首先答案以使用提供的类WinRegistry,然后可以使用其功能writeStringValue

For example, in your case: 例如,在您的情况下:

WinRegistry.writeStringValue( WinRegistry.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Wow6432Node\\mySoft", "myPwd", "a" );

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