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[英]Reading/Writing Async Files for Universal App

im trying to Reading/Writing Async Files for an Universal App in c#. 我试图在c#中读取/写入通用应用程序的异步文件。 When i write and read a file for first time, it works... But when i retry it immeadiatly, there are two Errors: 1. UnauthorizedAccess 2. Handle with the OPLOCK has been closed 当我第一次读写文件时,它可以工作...但是当我立即重试它时,会出现两个错误:1. UnauthorizedAccess 2. OPLOCK的句柄已关闭

It seems that the methods arent finished yet and so the data is not free 看来方法尚未完成,因此数据不是免费的

(in my frame is a button which adds a new member to a List, then the list shall serialized in an XML data. When i reNavigate to that page, that XML sheet shall be deserialized back to that List, because the Content shall be displayed) (在我的框架中是一个向列表添加新成员的按钮,然后该列表应以XML数据序列化。当我重新导航至该页面时,该XML工作表应反序列化回该列表,因为将显示内容)

List<Immobilie> immoListe = new List<Immobilie>();
private const string FileName_ImmoObjects = "ImmoObjects.xml";
StorageFolder sFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
IStorageFile latestImmoListFile;

 public Startmenue()
        immoListe.Add(new Immobilie()); // for testing creating an XML first
        immoListe[0].adresse = "Foo1";  
        immoListe.Add(new Immobilie());
        immoListe[1].adresse = "Foo2";
        ReadImmoListAsync();   // These two steps working

        WriteImmoListAsync(); // everything more causes error  


public async void WriteImmoListAsync()
            IStorageFolder folder = await sFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Saves", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
            latestImmoListFile = await folder.CreateFileAsync(FileName_ImmoObjects, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            using (IRandomAccessStream stream = await latestImmoListFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
            using (Stream outputStream = stream.AsStreamForWrite())
                DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(List<Immobilie>));
                serializer.WriteObject(outputStream, immoListe);

        catch (Exception e)
            var d = new MessageDialog(e.ToString());
            await d.ShowAsync();

    public async void ReadImmoListAsync()
        int i = 0;
            IStorageFolder folder = await sFolder.GetFolderAsync("Saves");
            i = 1;
            latestImmoListFile = await folder.GetFileAsync(FileName_ImmoObjects);
            i = 2;
            using (IRandomAccessStream stream = await latestImmoListFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
                i = 3;
                using (Stream inputStream = stream.AsStreamForRead())
                    i = 4;
                    DataContractSerializer deserializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(List<Immobilie>));
                    i = 5;
                    immoListe = (List<Immobilie>)deserializer.ReadObject(inputStream);

        catch (Exception e)
            var d = new MessageDialog("Fehler I = " + i + "\n" + e.ToString());
            await d.ShowAsync();

So what can i do and why is it so difficult??(normal I/O is easy-peasy).-. 那么我该怎么办,为什么这么困难?(普通的I / O很容易实现).-

As I describe in my MSDN article on async best practices, you should avoid async void : 正如我在有关async最佳实践的MSDN文章中所描述的那样, 您应该避免使用async void

public async Task WriteImmoListAsync();
public async Task ReadImmoListAsync();

Once your methods are properly async Task , then you can await them: 一旦您的方法正确地async Task ,那么您可以await它们:

await WriteImmoListAsync();   
await ReadImmoListAsync();

await WriteImmoListAsync();
await ReadImmoListAsync();   

You can't start the methods again until you wait for them to complete. 您必须等到方法完成才能重新启动方法。 What that above code is trying to do is to write to a file, but while that's processing, it tries to open the file and write to it while the first method call hasn't completed. 上面的代码试图执行的操作是写入文件,但是在处理过程中,它会尝试打开文件并在第一个方法调用尚未完成时写入文件。 You need to wait for those method calls to finish before running them again - using the await keyword would be helpful here 您需要等待这些方法调用完成后才能再次运行它们-在此处使用await关键字会有所帮助

It might be that the process writing/reading the file are still attached to the file. 可能是写入/读取文件的过程仍附加在文件上。 You might want to take a look at this pattern for async file read/write from Microsoft: 您可能想看看这种模式来从Microsoft读取/写入异步文件:

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/mt674879.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/mt674879.aspx

Also, note that if the read and write are done from differents process, you're going to have to use a mutex. 另外,请注意,如果读取和写入是通过差异过程完成的,则必须使用互斥锁。 Here's a great explanation on how it works: 这是有关其工作原理的很好的解释:

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#? 在C#中使用Global Mutex的良好模式是什么?

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