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[英]two divs in angular and I need to hide one div and display another when a button in div one is pressed

I have the following code. 我有以下代码。 I need to hide div 1 and display div2 when the button in div one is clicked. 单击div 1中的按钮时,我需要隐藏div 1并显示div2。 (In ANGULAR HTML5). (在HTML5中)。 I have a JS file with controllers etc. at the moement I have two diffetent html template files and I call these as separate modal pop up. 我有一个带有控制器等的JS文件。当时我有两个不同的html模板文件,我称它们为单独的模式弹出窗口。 Now instead of two pop ups, I need to just show only one pop up but just display or hide content from one of the divs. 现在,我不需要只显示一个弹出窗口,而不必显示两个弹出窗口,而只显示或隐藏其中一个div的内容。

<div id="div1">
<button name ="click" click="ClickMe()"/>

<div id = "div2">
<p> Some content</p>

This should toggle displayToggled on click, and remove the div from which the button was clicked from the DOM. 这应该在单击时切换displayToggled,然后从DOM中删除从中单击按钮的div。

<div id="div1" ng-if="!displayToggled" >
   <button name ="click" ng-click="displayToggled = true"/>

<div id = "div2" ng-if="displayToggled">
   <p> Some content</p>

In your html 在你的HTML

<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myctrl as ctrl">
    <div id="div1" ng-show="ctrl.btn">
        <button name ="click" ng-click="ctrl.btn=!ctrl.btn"/>

    <div id = "div2" ng-show="!ctrl.btn">
        <p> Some content</p>

in your controller 在您的控制器中

.controller('myctrl', function(){
    this.btn = true;

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