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Laravel 表单发布到控制器

[英]Laravel form post to controller

I am new to Laravel and I'm having trouble with posting data to a controller.我是 Laravel 的新手,无法将数据发布到控制器。 I couldn't find the corresponding documentation.我找不到相应的文档。 I want to something similar in Laravel that I do in C# MVC.我想在 Laravel 中做一些类似于我在 C# MVC 中做的事情。

<form action="/someurl" method="post">
<input type="text" name="someName" />
<input type="submit">


public ActionResult SomeUrl(string someName)

You should use route.你应该使用路由。

your .html你的.html

<form action="{{url('someurl')}}" method="post">
<input type="text" name="someName" />
<input type="submit">

in routes.phproutes.php

Route::post('someurl', 'YourController@someMethod');

and finally in YourController.php最后在YourController.php

public function someMethod(Request $request)
   dd($request->all());  //to check all the datas dumped from the form
   //if your want to get single element,someName in this case
   $someName = $request->someName; 

This works best这效果最好

<form action="{{url('someurl')}}" method="post">
<input type="text" name="someName" />
<input type="submit">

in web.phpweb.php

Route::post('someurl', 'YourController@someMethod');

and in your Controller并在您的控制器中

public function someMethod(Request $request)
   dd($request->all());  //to check all the datas dumped from the form
   //if your want to get single element,someName in this case
   $someName = $request->someName; 

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