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在 index.js 文件中导出 react jsx-components

[英]Export react jsx-components in index.js files

How can I bundle react-components, defined in jsx-files, in an index.js file?如何将在 jsx 文件中定义的 react-components 捆绑到 index.js 文件中?

In a way that the components can be accessed by import module from "/module"; let C = module.Component;以某种方式可以通过import module from "/module"; let C = module.Component;来访问import module from "/module"; let C = module.Component; import module from "/module"; let C = module.Component; . .



To re-export the component as a default export:要将组件重新导出为默认导出:

export { default } from './Component';

To re-export the component as a named export:要将组件重新导出为命名导出:

export { default as NamedComponent } from './Component';

You should prefer exporting as default from index.js since it will likely be the only export from the index.您应该更喜欢从index.js导出为默认值,因为它可能是索引的唯一导出。

Your component import will look like this:您的组件导入将如下所示:

import Component from './module';

or this, if you use a named export:或者,如果您使用命名导出:

import { NamedComponent } from './module';

Assuming you're using webpack to bundle your files, to make sure your imports can use './Component' instead of './Component.jsx' , include .jsx as an extension in your resolve property in webpack.config.js :假设您使用 webpack 来打包文件,为了确保您的导入可以使用'./Component'而不是'./Component.jsx' ,请在webpack.config.jsresolve属性中包含.jsx作为扩展名:

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'],
export Component from "./Component"

You should not use export default for your use case.您不应为您的用例使用导出默认值。 There is only a single default export per module.每个模块只有一个默认导出。 This value is to be considered as the "main" exported value since it will be the simplest to import.该值将被视为“主要”导出值,因为它是最容易导入的。 Refer https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/web/javascript/reference/statements/export for more detail有关更多详细信息,请参阅https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/web/javascript/reference/statements/export

Inside index.js在 index.js 中

export { default as ComponentName } from './Component'; export { default as ComponentName } from './Component';

Then In App.js [Import it Like this]然后在 App.js [像这样导入]

import {ComponentName} from './module'从 './module' 导入 {ComponentName}

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