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[英]application with zend framework only showing index.php not matter what url

I'm running the zend framework 1.12. 我正在运行zend框架1.12。 I'm unable to get anything other than the index.php file to load no matter what url I feed it. 我无法获取除index.php文件以外的任何东西来加载,无论我使用什么URL。 And when it loads the index.php it just shows the raw php code within that file. 并且在加载index.php它仅显示该文件中的原始php代码。 You can check it out here: . 您可以在此处查看: And you can literally put anything after the / and the same thing shows up. 而且,您可以在/后面加上任何内容,并且显示相同的内容。

Basically I cloned an app and have been trying to set it up on a different server, and I have never used Zend but I think that is where the problem lies. 基本上,我克隆了一个应用程序,并一直尝试在其他服务器上进行设置,但我从未使用过Zend,但我认为这就是问题所在。

it just shows the raw php code within that file. 它只是显示该文件中的原始php代码。

This probably means that your php installation is not working. 这可能意味着您的php安装无法正常工作。

I'm unable to get anything other than the index.php. 除了index.php之外,我什么也找不到。

Review the tutorial for the Apache or Ngnix installation, you are missing mod_rewrite and / or the .htaccess file. 查看有关Apache或Ngnix安装的教程,您缺少mod_rewrite和/或.htaccess文件。

You can check it out here: 您可以在此处查看:任何内容。

I guess you know it is not possible to check a local network over the internet. 我想您知道无法通过Internet查看本地网络。 If you really don´t know this yet, it is a good moment to go back to the books / tutorials. 如果您还真的不知道这一点,那么现在是回到书籍/教程的好时机。

Looks like your installation is missing some configuration, nothing else. 看起来您的安装缺少某些配置,仅此而已。

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