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[英]How do I parse multiple xml attributes to php variables?

I have the following PHP code that I am using to extract xml attributeds to a php variables. 我有以下PHP代码,可用于提取归因于php变量的xml。

$dataPOST= '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:c2b="http://cps.huawei.com/cpsinterface/c2bpayment">
            <KYCName>[Personal Details][First Name]</KYCName>
            <KYCName>[Personal Details][Middle Name]</KYCName>
            <KYCName>[Personal Details][Last Name]</KYCName>

$xml = @simplexml_load_string($dataPOST);
$xml->registerXPathNamespace ("c2b", "http://cps.huawei.com/cpsinterface/c2bpayment");

$xml2 = $xml->xpath("//soap:Envelope/soap:Body/c2b:C2BPaymentConfirmationRequest");

$TransactionType = (string) $xml2[0]->TransactionType;
$TransID = (string) $xml2[0]->TransID;
$TransTime = (string) $xml2[0]->TransTime;
$TransAmount = (string) $xml2[0]->TransAmount;
$BusinessShortCode = (string) $xml2[0]->BusinessShortCode;
$BillRefNumber = (string) $xml2[0]->BillRefNumber;
$InvoiceNumber = (string) $xml2[0]->InvoiceNumber;
$OrgAccountBalance = (string) $xml2[0]->OrgAccountBalance;
$ThirdPartyTransID = (string) $xml2[0]->ThirdPartyTransID;
$MSISDN = (string) $xml2[0]->MSISDN;

echo 'TransactionType: '.$TransactionType.'<br/>';
echo 'TransID: '.$TransID.'<br/>';
echo 'TransTime: '.$TransTime.'<br/>';
echo 'TransAmount: '.$TransAmount.'<br/>';
echo 'BusinessShortCode: '.$BusinessShortCode.'<br/>';
echo 'BillRefNumber: '.$BillRefNumber.'<br/>';
echo 'InvoiceNumber: '.$InvoiceNumber.'<br/>';
echo 'OrgAccountBalance: '.$OrgAccountBalance.'<br/>';
echo 'ThirdPartyTransID: '.$ThirdPartyTransID.'<br/>';
echo 'MSISDN: '.$MSISDN.'<br/>';

This code is working fine and I am able to extract most of the attributes from the xml but I am now struggling with the last few attributes. 这段代码运行良好,我能够从xml中提取大多数属性,但是我现在正为最后几个属性而苦苦挣扎。 How should I handle the following part of the xml and parse it to PHP variable? 我应该如何处理xml的以下部分并将其解析为PHP变量?

        <KYCName>[Personal Details][First Name]</KYCName>
        <KYCName>[Personal Details][Middle Name]</KYCName>
        <KYCName>[Personal Details][Last Name]</KYCName>

You can query the DOM held in your $xml2 variable: 您可以查询$xml2变量中包含的DOM:

$query = './KYCInfo';
$elements = $xml2[0]->xpath($query);
foreach ($elements as $element) {
    print $element->KYCName . PHP_EOL;
    print $element->KYCValue . PHP_EOL;

This should result in 这应该导致

[Personal Details][First Name]
[Personal Details][Middle Name]
[Personal Details][Last Name]

which you can assign to variables. 您可以将其分配给变量。

You can use XPath predicate to get KYCInfo where child element KYCName value equals certain string, for example, '[Personal Details][Last Name]' : 您可以使用XPath谓词获取KYCInfo ,其中子元素KYCName值等于某些字符串,例如'[Personal Details] [Last Name]':

$query = "KYCInfo[KYCName='[Personal Details][Last Name]']/KYCValue";
$MiddleName = (string)$xml2[0]->xpath($query)[0];

eval.in demo

Use the same approach to get first name and middle name... 使用相同的方法获取名字和中间名...

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