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Drupal Ubercart产品“找不到所需的页面”

[英]Drupal Ubercart product “The requested page could not be found”

I'm doing some maintenance on an old Drupal installation that uses Ubercart for a store. 我正在对使用Ubercart进行存储的旧Drupal安装进行维护。 There's one product page that is giving me The requested page could not be found. 有一个产品页面正在提供给我The requested page could not be found. This is mystifying me. 这使我困惑。

I can visit the node itself by using the /node/### syntax, and on the settings there I can see the "Url path settings" for the node, but when I try to visit that URL I get the above error. 我可以使用/node/###语法访问节点本身,在该设置上可以看到该节点的“ URL路径设置”,但是当我尝试访问该URL时,出现了以上错误。

The one thing that struck me as odd was that in the "Publishing options", the node didn't have "Published" checked off. 令我感到奇怪的是,在“发布选项”中,该节点没有选中“发布”。 So I checked that, saved it...but I still get The requested page could not be found. 所以我检查了一下,将其保存了...但是我仍然得到The requested page could not be found.

I'm no Drupal guru, and I want to avoid having to become one. 我不是Drupal专家,我想避免成为一名。 What could/would be causing this, what things should I check out, what indicators can I check to eliminate different causes? 可能是什么原因,应该检查什么,应该检查哪些指标以消除不同的原因? I'm not shy of digging through log files or rooting around in the database, but I'd like to be pointed in the right direction. 我并不担心浏览日志文件或在数据库中扎根,但是我想指出正确的方向。

Check to see if you have aliases setup for the product/url. 检查是否为产品/ URL设置了别名。 The alias should match the link you are following. 别名应与您关注的链接匹配。

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