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[英]Generate alphabetic series PHP

I want to create alphabetic series in php. 我想在php中创建字母序列。 The series I want to create is something like: 我要创建的系列如下所示:


I do not want any numbers. 我不要任何数字。 Pure alphabetic series. 纯字母系列。 What approach can I use to create this? 我可以使用哪种方法来创建它? Any hints or pseudo code would be helpful. 任何提示或伪代码都会有所帮助。

I have already gone through range function and using ascii values to print alphabets but still could not find a good approach to create such a series. 我已经经历过range function并使用ascii值来打印字母,但是仍然找不到创建此类系列的好方法。

You can use this coding: 您可以使用以下编码:

for ($char = 'AAAA'; $char <= 'Z'; $char++) {
    echo $char . "\n";

You can also use while . 您也可以使用while PHP can increment characters!! PHP可以增加字符!!

$letter = 'AAAA';
while (($letters[] = $letter++) !== 'ZZZZ') {}

Four nested loops iterating over the set of all valid characters. 四个嵌套循环遍历所有有效字符的集合。 Then all you have to do is concatenate the current character of each loop to a string: 然后,您要做的就是将每个循环的当前字符连接到一个字符串:

$chars = range('A', 'Z');
$words = [];
foreach ($chars as $char1) {
  foreach ($chars as $char2) {
    foreach ($chars as $char3) {
      foreach ($chars as $char4) {
        $words[] = $char1 . $char2 . $char3 . $char4;

The output obviously is: 输出显然是:

array(456976) {
  [0] =>
  string(4) "AAAA"
  [1] =>
  string(4) "AAAB"
  [2] =>
  string(4) "AAAC"
  [3] =>
  string(4) "AAAD"
  [4] =>
  string(4) "AAAE"
  [5] =>

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