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[英]Encrypt with CryptoJs and Decrypt with Phalcon

I am trying to Encrypt some text from CryptoJS and decrypt it with Phalcon. 我正在尝试从CryptoJS加密一些文本并用Phalcon解密它。

I encrypt as follows, 我加密如下,

CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("MyText", 'key123');

Now to compare I encrypt the same value with Phalcon as, 现在比较我用Phalcon加密相同的值,

$this->crypt = new Crypt();
$this->crypt->encrypt("MyText", 'key123');

Now the values I get from JS and PHP are different. 现在我从JS和PHP获得的值是不同的。

Phalcon default encryption is AES and so do in CryptoJS. Phalcon默认加密是AES,CryptoJS也是如此。

Please help me on this. 请帮帮我。 I want to have the same value in both sides. 我希望双方都有相同的价值。

The default cipher in Phalcon is Rijndael-256, which is not supported by CryptoJS. Phalcon中的默认密码是Rijndael-256,CryptoJS不支持。 It would be necessary to change that to Rijndael-128 (AES). 有必要将其更改为Rijndael-128(AES)。 It's also necessary to use some kind of padding mode in Phalcon in order to be able to encrypt arbitrary binary data. 在Phalcon中还需要使用某种填充模式,以便能够加密任意二进制数据。

$keyHex = "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f";

$this->crypt = new Crypt();

// encryption
$ct = base64_encode($this->crypt->encrypt("MyText", hex2bin($keyHex)));

// decryption
var_dump($this->crypt->decrypt(base64_decode($ct), hex2bin($keyHex)));

The 128 bit initialization vector is prefixed to the ciphertext, so it has to be done in the same way in CryptoJS. 128位初始化向量以密文为前缀,因此必须在CryptoJS中以相同的方式完成。

var key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse("0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
var iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128/8);
var ct = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("MyText", key, {
    iv: iv
return iv.concat(ct).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);

Things to note: 注意事项:

  • The key must be randomly generated. 密钥必须随机生成。 This is an example 16 byte key (32 hexits) and it has to have a specific length. 这是一个示例16字节密钥(32个十六进制),它必须具有特定长度。 AES supports key sizes of 16, 24 and 32 bytes (32, 48, 64 hexits). AES支持16,24和32字节(32,48,64个十六进制)的密钥大小。

  • The IV is generated randomly for every encryption, so it is not possible to encrypt the same text with the same key in CryptoJS and Phalcon to check compatibility. 对于每次加密都会随机生成IV,因此无法使用CryptoJS和Phalcon中的相同密钥加密相同的文本以检查兼容性。 It is necessary to encrypt in one and decrypt in the other. 有必要在一个加密,在另一个解密。

  • Symmetric encryption without authentication can be very dangerous. 没有身份验证的对称加密可能非常危险。 It might be possible to mount a padding-oracle attack in your case. 在你的情况下可能会安装padding-oracle攻击。 A common way to add authentication is to run a message authentication code over the IV + ciphertext with a separate key. 添加身份验证的常用方法是使用单独的密钥在IV +密文上运行消息身份验证代码。 HMAC-SHA256 with an encrypt-then-MAC scheme is a strong choice in that regard. 在这方面,具有加密然后MAC方案的HMAC-SHA256是一个很好的选择。

  • If the "key" is passed as a string to CryptoJS.AES.encrypt , then it invokes an OpenSSL compatible key derivation function ( EVP_BytesToKey ). 如果将“key”作为字符串传递给CryptoJS.AES.encrypt ,则它将调用OpenSSL兼容密钥派生函数( EVP_BytesToKey )。 The given "key" is assumed to be a password, therefore it generates a random salt, and derives the actual key and IV from those two. 假定给定的“密钥”是密码,因此它生成随机盐,并从这两个中导出实际密钥和IV。

  • Phalcon uses mcrypt, which is abandonware and has many bugs. Phalcon使用mcrypt,它是放弃软件并且有很多bug。

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