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Staruml 中复合符号的嵌套类形式

[英]nested class form of composite notation in staruml

How to draw nested class form of composite notation in starUML?如何在starUML中绘制复合符号的嵌套类形式? I use the part and connector to draw a class diagram like this.我使用零件和连接器来绘制这样的类图。 I suppressed the attributes because the parts ( the nested classes) also appear as attributes.我抑制了属性,因为部件(嵌套类)也显示为属性。 But I can not use part and connector in object diagram.但我不能在对象图中使用零件和连接器。 So I drew two objects within one object to appear like this.所以我在一个对象中画了两个对象,看起来像这样。 But I don't think it is the right way.但我认为这不是正确的方法。 Can someone pleases help me?有人可以帮助我吗?



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