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[英]Passing Value to Functions From ngOnInit

I have a button that calls clip function. 我有一个调用剪辑功能的按钮。 I need to pass values from ngOnInit to that function but i can't. 我需要将值从ngOnInit传递给该函数,但我不能。 I get undefined error for (for example) this.firstX . 我收到this.firstX的未定义错误。 How can i pass values from ngOnInit to functions? 如何将ngOnInit中的值传递给函数?

export class AppAppComponent implements OnInit {

  public firstX: number;
  public firstY: number;
  public lastX: number;
  public lastY: number;

  constructor(mdIconRegistry: MdIconRegistry) {
      .registerFontClassAlias('fontawesome', 'fa');

  ngOnInit() {

    let canvas = new fabric.Canvas('cLeft');
    let src = "../../images/kupurSecond.jpg";

    canvas.on('mouse:down', function (event) {
      var position = canvas.getPointer(event.e);
      this.firstX = position.x;
      this.firstY = position.y;

    canvas.on('mouse:up', function (event) {
      var position = canvas.getPointer(event.e);
      this.lastX = position.x;
      this.lastY = position.y;
      // ReLoading Image
      loadImage(src, canvas, this.firstX, this.firstY, this.lastX, this.lastY);

    loadImage(src, canvas);


  public clip() {


You have to use the arrow notation to remain the same this context. 您必须使用箭头表示法在this上下文中保持相同。

canvas.on('mouse:down', (event) => {
      var position = canvas.getPointer(event.e);
      this.firstX = position.x;
      this.firstY = position.y;

Same goes for the mouse:up function. mouse:up函数也是如此。 Just never use the word function in typescript, and you are golden 只是永远不要在打字稿中使用单词function ,您真是太棒了

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