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[英]socket.io send some data to server when connect android

in javascript and node.js i can send data to server when connect like this 在javascript和node.js中,我可以像这样连接时将数据发送到服务器

var s = io('', { query: "foo=bar" });

var c = io.connect('', { query: "foo=bar" });

and in server i can get the data like this 在服务器上我可以得到这样的数据

var io = require('socket.io')(server);

io.use(function(socket, next) {
  var handshakeData = socket.request;
  console.log("middleware:", handshakeData._query['foo']);


now in android how can i do same thing ? 现在在android中我该怎么做? iam use IAM使用

com.github.nkzawa:socket.io-client:0.4.2 com.github.nkzawa:socket.io客户端:0.4.2

for android and its code like this 对于Android及其代码

    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    client.on("id", messageHandler.onId);


now if i add some data with connection like javscript its show to me error 现在,如果我添加一些与javscript之类的连接数据,向我显示错误

          JSONObject id = new JSONObject();
          id.put("user_id", 51);

error message its 错误消息

cannot reslove method 'socket(java.lang.string,org.json.JSONObject)' 无法重新使用方法'socket(java.lang.string,org.json.JSONObject)'

i found sloution 我发现失窃

 IO.Options opts = new IO.Options();

opts.query = "auth_token=" + yourDataValue;
Socket socket = IO.socket("http://localhost", opts);

and u can get it by 你可以得到它

var io = require('socket.io')(server);

io.use(function(socket, next) {
  var handshakeData = socket.request;

  var data = handshakeData._query['auth_token'];

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