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[英]Marvel plugin not finding .properties file

I've been stuck on this for about a day. 我被困在这一天大约一天。 I downloaded and installed ElasticSearch 2.3.3 on my redhat vm. 我在我的redhat vm上下载并安装了ElasticSearch 2.3.3。 I am trying to follow the get started video on the site but not one of the installation commands from the video has worked for me, so I've tried following installation methods from the guide. 我正在尝试按照网站上的入门视频,但视频中没有一个安装命令对我有用,所以我尝试了指南中的安装方法。

I downloaded the rpm and entered the following commands to install: 我下载了rpm并输入以下命令进行安装:

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install license
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install marvel-agent

I then started my ElasticSearch node and went to localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel but nothing popped up. 然后我启动了我的ElasticSearch节点并转到localhost:9200 / _plugin / marvel但没有弹出任何内容。

I then thought it might be because I only downloaded the agent and not marvel, so I tried installing marvel from the cmd line, but I constantly getting a FileNotFound exception 我当时认为这可能是因为我只下载了代理而不是惊叹,所以我尝试从cmd行安装marvel,但我不断得到一个FileNotFound异常

bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install marvel

I then manually downloaded marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz and tried installing it manually 然后我手动下载了marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz并尝试手动安装

bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install --verbose file://.../marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz

but I'm told the zip is missing a plugin-descriptor.properties file 但我被告知zip缺少一个plugin-descriptor.properties文件

Verifying file:/home1/isuser/Downloads/marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz checksums if available ...
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)
ERROR: Could not find plugin descriptor 'plugin-descriptor.properties' in plugin zip

I then unzipped marvel-2.3.3.tar, added a .properties file, rezipped, and reinstalled. 然后我解压缩了marvel-2.3.3.tar,添加了一个.properties文件,重新压缩并重新安装。 still got the same error. 仍然有同样的错误。

I really need some help. 我真的需要一些帮助。 This is very frustrating. 这非常令人沮丧。 I still need to install Kibana but if that installation is anything near as infuriating as this one I'm not looking forward to it... 我仍然需要安装Kibana但是如果那个装置和这个装置一样令人生气的话我不会期待它......

EDIT : 编辑

I got past this error by moving the .properties file from within the marvel directory to the same level, but now I'm getting a new error. 我通过将.properties文件从marvel目录中移动到同一级别来解决此错误,但现在我收到了一个新错误。 it keeps giving me a FileNotFoundException . 它一直给我一个FileNotFoundException

[root@den01ejm elasticsearch]# bin/plugin install -DproxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -DproxyPort=80 --verbose /home1/isuser/Desktop/up/marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz 
-> Installing /home1/isuser/Desktop/up/marvel-2.3.3.tar.gz...
Trying https://download.elastic.co//home1/home1-isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://download.elastic.co//home1/home1-isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://download.elastic.co//home1/home1-isuser.zip]; 
Trying https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=/home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=/home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=/home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip]; 
Trying https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content//home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content//home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content//home1/isuser/home1-isuser.zip]; 
Trying https://github.com//home1/archive/isuser.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/isuser.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/isuser.zip]; 
Trying https://github.com//home1/archive/master.zip ...
Failed: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/master.zip]; nested: FileNotFoundException[https://github.com//home1/archive/master.zip]; 
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install license
bin/plugin -DproxyHost=... -DproxyPort=... install marvel-agent

This is all that needs to be installed in Elasticsearch 2.x to make Marvel monitor Elasticsearch. 这就是需要在Elasticsearch 2.x中安装以使Marvel监视Elasticsearch的所有内容。 The Marvel Agent monitors the node, with a dependency on the license plugin, then ships the data where ever it's configured to go (to the same node, by default). Marvel Agent监视节点,依赖于许可插件,然后将数据发送到配置的位置(默认情况下为同一节点)。

The third plugin that you're trying to install is the Marvel UI component. 您尝试安装的第三个插件是Marvel UI组件。 Starting with ES 2.x, the UI component is a part of Kibana and not Elasticsearch . 从ES 2.x开始,UI组件是Kibana的一部分,而不是Elasticsearch

As such, you should be installing that plugin in Kibana. 因此,您应该在Kibana中安装该插件。 As you are trying to use Marvel 2.3.3, you should be using Kibana 4.5 (so Kibana 4.5.1 as of now). 当您尝试使用Marvel 2.3.3时,您应该使用Kibana 4.5(截至目前为Kibana 4.5.1)。 From Kibana, you can install it there: 从Kibana,你可以在那里安装它:

bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest

NOTE : The syntax of the plugin commands will change in Elasticsearch 5.x and Kibana 5.x and this will be greatly simplified to literally being the same file for both Elasticsearch and Kibana, but both applications will still be needed for both sides: monitoring and the UI. :该插件命令的语法将在Elasticsearch 5.x和5.x的Kibana改变这将大大简化,从字面上是两个 Elasticsearch和Kibana相同的文件,但两者的应用将仍然需要双方:监控和UI。

bin/elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack

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