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[英]Load different js files depending on the page

I'm trying to optimize the load of all pages on laravel, so I want to load js files only on the pages that use them. 我正在尝试优化laravel上所有页面的加载,因此我只想在使用它们的页面上加载js文件。

I ended up with a commons js file for all and 3 other js for specific files. 最后我得到了所有文件的公共js文件,以及特定文件的其他3个js文件。 Like so: 像这样:

mix   //.scriptsIn('resources/assets/js');
      // commons
          // cdn
          // 'bootstrap.min.js',
          // 'jquery.min.js',

mix.version(["css/all.css", "js/all.js"]);

elixir(function(mix) {
// welcome page
            // jquery.easing.min.js  // unused
          ], "public/js/welcome.js", 'resources/assets/js');

// chart pages
            ], "public/js/charts.js", 'resources/assets/js');

//table pages
          ], "public/js/tables.js", 'resources/assets/js');


So I put my all.js on the master view, and what I'd like to do is a way to include the other on just the pages that I want. 因此,我将all.js放在了主视图上,而我想做的就是将其他文件仅包含在我想要的页面上。 tables.js only on pages that have a table, and so on. 仅在具有表的页面上使用tables.js,依此类推。

Can I do this without having to manually put the script tag on the individual views? 我可以不必手动将script标签放在各个视图上吗?

I'm thinking something like setup a service provider and check for a variable? 我在想类似设置服务提供商并检查变量的事情?

public function boot()
    // view()->composer('master', function ($view) {
    //     $view->with('js_include', 'table.js');
    // });

And in master view, if exists, include? 在主视图中,如果存在,包括吗? A page could have table and charts, so I would have to do a foreach. 一个页面可以有表格和图表,所以我必须做一个foreach。 Am I overcomplicating it? 我是否过于复杂?

You could write a custom directive for each of the JS scripts and include the created tag name in the templates. 您可以为每个JS脚本编写一个自定义指令,并将创建的标记名称包括在模板中。

class BladeServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
    public function boot()
        Blade::directive('chartsjs', function($expression) {
            return "<?php
               echo '<script type=...>...</script>';


// view template: example.blade.php


Ok I'm doing: 好吧,我在做:

public function boot()
    $welcome = ['home'];
    $charts = ['meal.*'];
    $tables = ['meal.*', 'trainings.*', 'plans.*', 'nutrition.index',
          'history.index', 'exercises.index'];

    $pages = array_merge($welcome, $charts, $tables);

    foreach ($pages as $key => $page) {
      $js_includes = [];
      foreach (['welcome', 'charts', 'tables'] as $key => $value) {
        if (in_array($page, $$value)) $js_includes[] = "js/{$value}.js";

      View::composer($page, function ($view) use ($js_includes) {
          $view->with('js_include', $js_includes);

In just the master view: 仅在主视图中:

@if (isset($js_include))
  @foreach($js_include as $key => $js)
    <script src="/{{ $js }}"></script>    

It works on localhost but not on heroku deploy :/ 它在localhost上有效,但在heroku deploy上无效:/

I changed view()->composer for View::composer and added use View; 我更改了View::composer view()->composer View::composer并添加了use View; but same issue 但同样的问题

Commenting //protected $defer = true; 注释//protected $defer = true; solved the issue 解决了这个问题

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