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[英]Segmentation fault when calling assembly function from C code

I'm trying to link assembly functions to a C code for exercise. 我正在尝试将汇编函数链接到C代码以进行练习。 Here's my assembly function, written in x86 assembly: 这是我用x86汇编语言编写的汇编函数:


.section .text
.globl max_function
.type max_function, @function 
# i parametri saranno in ordine inverso a partire da 8(%ebp)

    pushl %ebp              # save ebp
    movl %esp, %ebp         # new frame function
    movl $0, %edi           # first index is 0
    movl 8(%ebp), %ecx      # ecx is loaded with the number of elements
    cmpl $0, %ecx            # check that the number of elements is not 0
    je end_function_err    #if it is, exit

    movl 12(%ebp),%edx      # edx is loaded with the array base
    movl (%edx), %eax       # first element of the array

    incl %edi               #increment the index
    cmpl %edi,%ecx          #if it's at the end quit
    je loop_exit
    movl (%edx,%edi,4),%ebx   #pick the value
    cmpl %ebx,%eax              #compare with actual maximum value
    jle start_loop              #less equal -> repeat loop
    movl %ebx,%eax              #greater -> update value
    jmp start_loop              #repeat loop

    jmp end_function            #finish

end_function:                   #exit operations
    movl %ebp, %esp
    popl %ebp

    movl $0xffffffff, %eax            #return -1 and quit
    jmp end_function

It basically defines a function that finds the maximum number of an array (or it should be) 它基本上定义了一个函数,该函数查找数组的最大数目(或者应该是)

And my C code: 和我的C代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern int max_function(int size, int* values);

int main(){
    int values[] = { 4 , 5 , 7 , 3 , 2 , 8 , 5 , 6 } ;
    printf("\nMax value is: %d\n",max_function(8,values));

I compile them with gcc -o max max.s max.c . 我用gcc -o max max.s max.c编译它们。
I get a SegmentationFault when executing the code. 执行代码时出现SegmentationFault
My suspect is that I don't access the value in a right manner, but I can't see why, even because I based my code on an example code that prints argc and argv values when called from the command line. 我的怀疑是我没有以正确的方式访问该值,但是我什至看不到原因,即使我将我的代码基于示例代码,该示例代码在从命令行调用时也会打印argcargv值。

I'm running Debian 8 64-bit 我正在运行Debian 8 64位

The problems were: 问题是:

  • not preserving %ebx and %edi 不保留%ebx%edi
  • not compiling for 32 bit (had to use -m32 flag for gcc) 无法编译为32位(必须对gcc使用-m32标志)
  • cmpl operands were inverted cmpl操作数被倒置

Thanks everybody, problem is solved. 谢谢大家,问题解决了。 I'll focus more on debugging tools to (disassembling and running step by step was very useful)! 我将重点放在调试工具上(逐步拆卸和运行非常有用)!

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