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[英]logstash - dynamic field names

I have problem with dynamics field names in my Logstash configuration. 我的Logstash配置中的动态字段名称有问题。 This is my test config: 这是我的测试配置:

input {
generator {
    lines => [ "May 15 13:42:55 logstash puppet-agent[3551]: Finished catalog run in 43",
                "May 16 14:57:07 logstash puppet-agent[3551]: Starting Puppet client version" ]
    count => 7
filter {
   grok {
     match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGBASE} %{WORD:log}.*" ]

        if "Starting" in [log] {
        metrics {
          meter => [ "%{logsource}.%{log}" ]
          add_tag => [ "metric" ]
          add_field => { "server" => "%{logsource}" 
                        "bad" => "true" }
          clear_interval => 5
output {
        stdout { codec => rubydebug }

and here is my output: (just end of output) 这是我的输出:(仅输出结尾)

       "message" => "May 15 13:42:55 logstash puppet-agent[3551]: Finished catalog run in 43",
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2016-06-07T07:37:50.138Z",
          "host" => "logstash.test.lan",
      "sequence" => 6,
     "timestamp" => "May 15 13:42:55",
     "logsource" => "test",
       "program" => "puppet-agent",
           "pid" => "3551",
           "log" => "Finished"
       "message" => "May 16 14:57:07 logstash puppet-agent[3551]: Starting Puppet client version",
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2016-06-07T07:37:50.138Z",
          "host" => "logstash.test.lan",
      "sequence" => 6,
     "timestamp" => "May 16 14:57:07",
     "logsource" => "test",
       "program" => "puppet-agent",
           "pid" => "3551",
           "log" => "Starting"
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2016-06-07T07:37:50.288Z",
       "message" => "Counting: 7",
      "logstash.Starting" => {
           "count" => 7,
         "rate_1m" => 0.0,
         "rate_5m" => 0.0,
        "rate_15m" => 0.0
        "server" => "%{logsource}",
           "bad" => "true",
          "tags" => [
        [0] "metric"

Why field server don´t have logstash as value from the input logs? 为什么现场服务器没有logtash作为输入日志中的值? %{logsource} works for meter option, so why not for add_field ? %{logsource}适用于电表选项,为什么不适用于add_field呢? Thx for help. 谢谢。

When a log event is received, the SYSLOGBASE information is extracted from the content. 接收到日志事件时,将从内容中提取SYSLOGBASE信息。 This is where the %{logsource} value is defined. 这是%{logsource}值的定义位置。 If the event isn't coming from a log entry that contains SYSLOGBASE information, then logsource will be undefined. 如果事件不是来自包含SYSLOGBASE信息的日志条目,则日志源将是未定义的。

When you receive a start message, logsource is defined in scope and is added to your message. 当您收到一条开始消息时,日志源将在作用域中定义并添加到您的消息中。

The metrics plugin is generating a new message per interval. 指标插件会按时间间隔生成一条新消息。 This message is generated from scratch so it does not have the value of logsource or anything else that would normally be obtained from an individual log entry. 该消息是从头开始生成的,因此它不具有logsource的值或通常从单个日志条目中获取的任何其他值。

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