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[英]Maximize gmap in dialog primefaces

I want to display a dialog which has a gmap as element, it works fine when I set height and width, but what I need is show it as maximized full screen map. 我想显示一个以gmap为元素的对话框,当我设置高度和宽度时,它可以正常工作,但是我需要将其显示为最大化的全屏地图。 The Dialog is shown in fullscreen, but map is empty, only when I back to default size it is shown. 对话框以全屏显示,但地图为空,仅当我返回默认大小时才显示。

My code is 我的代码是

<p:commandLink id="id" value="Modal" onclick="PF('dlg').show(); PF('dlg').toggleMaximize();"/>
<p:dialog appendTo="@(body)" id="dlg" widgetVar="dlg" maximizable="true" width="1920" height="1080">
    <p:gmap id="gmap" center="41.381542, 2.122893" zoom="15" type="HYBRID" style="width:100%;height:100%;"> 

How can I solve my problem? 我该如何解决我的问题?

You can add following JavaScript on your page 您可以在页面上添加以下JavaScript

            function resizeElement(elementId,width,height){
                console.log("Resizing element " + elementId + " W/H="+ width + "/" + height);

                var element = document.getElementById(elementId);


            function resizePfGmapInsideWrapperElement(wrapperElementId){
                var wrapperElement=document.getElementById(wrapperElementId);
                var width=wrapperElement.clientWidth-40;
                var height=wrapperElement.clientHeight-60;


            function resizePfGmapInsideDialog(){

and then add resizePfGmapInsideDialog() into p:commandLink onclick 然后将resizePfGmapInsideDialog()添加到p:commandLink onclick

<p:commandLink id="id" 
               onclick="PF('dlg').show(); PF('dlg').toggleMaximize(); resizePfGmapInsideDialog();"/>

Actually whenever you call PF('dlg').toggleMaximize(); 实际上,无论何时调用PF('dlg').toggleMaximize(); also call resizePfGmapInsideDialog() right after and p:gmap will automatically resize inside dialog's content area. 还可以在之后立即调用resizePfGmapInsideDialog() ,而p:gmap将在对话框的内容区域内自动调整大小。

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