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Handlebars.js和Webpack - 预编译模板

[英]Handlebars.js and Webpack - precompile templates

I'm using Backbone.js , Handlebars.js and Webpack for my website. 我在我的网站上使用Backbone.jsHandlebars.jsWebpack I used to use Require.js instead of Webpack . 我曾经使用Require.js而不是Webpack I have the following files: 我有以下文件:

template.js template.js

    structure:      "structure.html",
    home:           "home.html"


webpack.config.js webpack.config.js

resolve: {
        extensions: ['', '.js', '.json'],

        alias: {
            root: path.resolve( __dirname ),
            "router": path.resolve( __dirname ) + "/www/js/router",
            "templates": path.resolve( __dirname ) + "/www/js/templates",
            "handlebars": path.resolve( __dirname ) + "/node_modules/handlebars/dist/handlebars",
        "templates_html": path.resolve( __dirname ) + "/www/templates"

view.js view.js

define( ['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', "utils" ], 
       function($, _, Backbone, Utils) {

    var View = Utils.Page.extend({

        constructorName: "View",
        id: "home",

        initialize: function() {
            this.template = Utils.templates.home; // this is what I need


        render: function () {
            this.$el.html(     this.template( this.model.toJSON() )    );
            return this;


    return View;


I'd like to compile all templates with Handlebars.js at start of my website. 我想在我的网站开头用Handlebars.js编译所有模板。 When I was using Require.js I was used to doing something like this: 当我使用Require.js我习惯做这样的事情:

utils.js utils.js

define( ['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'handlebars', 'templates'], 
       function($, _, Backbone, Handlebars, Templates) {

    var Utils = {
        templates: {}

    for (var t in Templates) {
      Templates[t] = "text!" + Templates[t];

    require(_.values(Templates), function() {

        var fragments = _.object(_.keys(Templates), arguments);

        // precompile all the fragments
        for (var t in fragments) {
          Utils.templates[t] = Handlebars.compile(fragments[t]); /* <Handlebars> */

    return Utils;

How can I do something like that in utils.js with webpack ? 我怎样才能做到与utils.js类似的东西webpack

Thanks 谢谢


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