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[英]Entity Framework relations questions

I have three classes 我有三节课

public class SPR
    public int ID { get; set; }     
    public string SubmittedBy { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<SPRItem> AllItems { get; set; }

public class SPRItem
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public string manufacturer { get; set; }   

    public virtual SPRItemDetails ItemDetails { get; set; }      

    public string requestedMinimumQuantity { get; set; }

    public virtual SPR SPR { get; set; }


public class SPRItemDetails
        public int ID { get; set; }

        public string ItemNumber { get; set; } 

        public virtual SPRItem SPRItem { get; set; }  


So the SPR class has a collection of SPRItem and which has the ItemDetails object. 所以SPR类有一个SPRItem集合,它有ItemDetails对象。

I have a web API method which maps the data to the SPR object and fills in the SPRItem list and ItemDetails object. 我有一个Web API方法,它将数据映射到SPR对象并填充SPRItem列表和ItemDetails对象。 But whenever I am trying to save it using Entity Framework code first I am getting this error 但每当我尝试使用Entity Framework代码保存它时,我就会收到此错误

{"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Unable to determine the principal end of an association between the types 'SharePoint.MultiSPR.Service.Models.SPRItemDetails' and 'SharePoint.MultiSPR.Service.Models.SPRItem'. The principal end of this association must be explicitly configured using either the relationship fluent API or data annotations.

This is my Context 这是我的背景

public System.Data.Entity.DbSet<SharePoint.MultiSPR.Service.Models.SPR> SPRs { get; set; }

    public System.Data.Entity.DbSet<SharePoint.MultiSPR.Service.Models.SPRItem> SPRItem { get; set; }

    public System.Data.Entity.DbSet<SharePoint.MultiSPR.Service.Models.SPRItemDetails> SPRItemDetails { get; set; }

Can someone please tell me how to configure the relations correctly. 有人可以告诉我如何正确配置关系。

Thanks 谢谢

In a 1:1 relation you always have to indicate the principal and the dependent entity. 在1:1关系中,您始终必须指明委托人和从属实体。 The principal entity is the one that is most independent of the other, in this case SPRItem , presumably. 主要实体是最独立于另一个实体的实体,在这种情况下可能是SPRItem

Next thing to decide is whether the relationship should be optional or required. 接下来要决定的是关系应该是可选的还是必需的。 I think, judging by the entity names, an SPRItemDetails will never exist without an SPRItem , so the relationship is 1:0..1 (not 0..1:0..1 ). 我认为,根据实体名称判断,如果没有SPRItemSPRItemDetails将永远不存在,因此关系为1:0..1 (不是0..1:0..1 )。 Here's how to configure that: 以下是配置:

            .HasOptional(si => si.ItemDetails)
            .WithRequired(id => id.SPRItem);

This creates (or requires) an SPRItemDetails table having a primary key that's also a foreign key to SPRItem . 这创建(或要求)具有主键的SPRItemDetails表,该主键也是SPRItem的外键。

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