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[英]Cloud storage for infrequently accessed files?

I'm creating an app for hosting files and photos. 我正在创建一个用于托管文件和照片的应用程序。 Files that have been uploaded recently will be accessed numerous times, so something like Amazon S3 would be excellent for this. 最近已上载的文件将被访问很多次,因此,像Amazon S3这样的文件非常适合。

But as files grow older I expect them to be accessed very infrequently. 但是随着文件的变老,我希望它们很少被访问。 However , when they are accessed, I still would like them to be available immediately, so Amazon Glacier doesn't work in this regard because restoration takes hours and hours. 但是 ,在访问它们时,我仍然希望它们可以立即可用,因此Amazon Glacier在这方面不起作用,因为恢复需要花费数小时的时间。

Is there a storage solution somewhere in between the cost of S3 and Glacier where the price gets reduced dramatically because the files are accessed, say, once a year versus numerous times an hour, while still preserving instant access? 在S3和Glacier的价格之间是否存在某种存储解决方案,在这些解决方案中,由于文件被访问(例如每年一次而不是每小时一次),而价格却大大降低了,同时仍然保留了即时访问权限,因此价格大大降低了吗?

Azure提供[热和冷存储层] [1] [1]: https : //azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/storage-blob-storage-tiers/用于blob存储,即冷层提供与热层相同的访问时间,同时提供不同的成本模型。

S3 has an infrequent access storage class, priced at a bit under half the cost of normal storage. S3具有很少的访问存储级别,价格不到普通存储成本的一半。

The tradeoffs you make are that objects under 128k are billed as if they are 128k and the availability target is 99.9% rather than 99.99% 您要做出的权衡是,对128k以下的对象进行计费,就好像它们是128k,可用性目标是99.9%而不是99.99%

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