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[英]transposed vector by group within data.table

What is the idiomatic data.table approach to produce a data.table with separate columns for elements of a vector returned by a function, calculated by group? 什么是惯用的data.table方法来生成data.table,其中包含由函数返回的向量元素的单独列,由group计算?

Consider the data.table: 考虑data.table:


If the function is range() , I'd want the output similar to: 如果函数是range() ,我希望输出类似于:

iris[, .(min_petal_width = min(Petal.Width), 
         max_petal_width = max(Petal.Width)
         ), keyby = Species] # produces desired output

but using the range() function. 但是使用range()函数。

I can use dcast , but it's ugly: 我可以使用dcast ,但它很难看:

  iris[, .( petal_width = range(Petal.Width), 
            value = c("min_petal_width", "max_petal_width")), 
       keyby = Species],
  Species ~ value, value.var = "petal_width")

I'm hoping there's a simpler expression, along the lines of: 我希望有一个更简单的表达方式,如下所示:

iris[, (c("min_petal_width","max_petal_width")) = range(Petal.Width), 
      keyby = Species] # doesn't work

You can also do: 你也可以这样做:

dt[, lapply(list(min=min, max=max), function(f) f(Petal.Width)), by=Species]
#       Species min max
# 1:     setosa 0.1 0.6
# 2: versicolor 1.0 1.8
# 3:  virginica 1.4 2.5

Your approach was very close. 你的方法非常接近。 Just remember that you need to feed a list to data.table and it will happily accept it. 请记住,您需要将一个列表提供给data.table,它会很乐意接受它。 Hence, you can use: 因此,您可以使用:

iris[, c("min_petal_width","max_petal_width") := as.list(range(Petal.Width)), 
     by = Species]

I misread the question.. Since you want to aggregate the result instead of adding new columns, you could use 我误解了这个问题..因为你想要聚合结果而不是添加新列,你可以使用

cols <- c("min_petal_width", "max_petal_width")
iris[, setNames(as.list(range(Petal.Width)), cols), keyby = Species] 

But I'm sure there are a few other data.table approaches, too. 但我确信还有其他一些data.table方法。

If readability and conciseness is really important to you, I would define a custom function or binary operator which you can then easily use in your data.table subset expression, eg : 如果可读性和简洁性对您来说非常重要,我将定义一个自定义函数或二元运算符,然后您可以在data.table子集表达式中轻松使用它,例如:

# custom function
.nm <- function(v,vnames){
# custom binary operator
`%=%` <- function(vnames,v){

# using custom function
iris[, .nm(range(Petal.Width),c("min_petal_width", "max_petal_width")), keyby = Species]

# using custom binary operator
iris[, c("min_petal_width", "max_petal_width") %=% range(Petal.Width), keyby = Species]

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