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Javascript 从多行字符串中删除前导和尾随空格,并用逗号替换其余的空格块

[英]Javascript remove leading and trailing spaces from multiline string and replace the rest of whitespace chunks with commas

How can I convert this text如何转换此文本

data=`ID   ra      dec     V       VR      MJD
  100     30.1  +15     7.00    -10     2450000.1234
200   30.2      +16     12.226  -5.124  2450000.2345
   300  30.3     +17    13.022  12.777    2450000.3456

400      30.4  +18     14.880  13.666  2450000.6789
500 30.5        +19 12.892      -1.835  2450001
 600     30.6    +20     17.587  15.340  2450002.123
700     30.7    +21       13.984  13.903  2450000.123456 
800    30.8    +22     20.00   10.000  2450003.0     `

ie an imported text with multiple lines and columns separated by spaces and tabs, into this即导入的文本,其中包含由空格和制表符分隔的多行和多列,




  • this regex data=data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/[\t \r]+/g,',');这个正则表达式data=data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/[\t \r]+/g,','); only works with the first line,仅适用于第一行,
  • this one data.replace(/[^\S\r\n]+$/gm, "").replace(/[\t \r]+/g,',');这个data.replace(/[^\S\r\n]+$/gm, "").replace(/[\t \r]+/g,','); is ok, but only for for for traling.可以,但仅适用于 for traling。

Extra: How can I transform it to a json which separate the two blocks into two datasets such as [[{id:..., ra:...},{},{}],[{id:..., ra:...},{},{}]]额外:如何将其转换为将两个块分成两个数据集的json ,例如[[{id:..., ra:...},{},{}],[{id:..., ra:...},{},{}]]

The string conversion might be easier with split/join and trim:使用 split/join 和 trim 进行字符串转换可能会更容易:

    .map(row => row.trim().split(/\s+/).join(','))

The extra credit is a little more involved.额外的功劳涉及更多。 :) :)

const rows = data.split(/\r?\n/).map(row => row.trim().split(/\s+/).join(','));
const keys = rows.shift().split(',');
const chunks = rows.join("\n").split(/\n{2,}/);

const output = chunks .map(chunk => chunk.split("\n").map(
    row => row.split(',').reduce((obj, v, i) => {
        obj[keys[i]] = v;
        return obj;
    }, {})

You're nearly there.你快到了。 You want the multiline flag on the first replace, but don't replace \n , so don't use \s .您希望在第一次替换时使用多行标志,但不要替换\n ,所以不要使用\s Use [ \t] instead:使用[ \t]代替:

 var data = 'ID ra dec V VR MJD\n' + ' 100 30.1 +15 7.00 -10 2450000.1234\n' + '200 30.2 +16 12.226 -5.124 2450000.2345\n' + ' 300 30.3 +17 13.022 12.777 2450000.3456\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '400 30.4 +18 14.880 13.666 2450000.6789\n' + '500 30.5 +19 12.892 -1.835 2450001\n' + ' 600 30.6 +20 17.587 15.340 2450002.123\n' + '700 30.7 +21 13.984 13.903 2450000.123456\n' + '800 30.8 +22 20.00 10.000 2450003.0 \n' var result = data.replace(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/gm,'').replace(/[ \t]+/g,',') console.log(result);

 // First: the trimming part. Split on newlines, process // each line by trimming it and replacing remaining white // space with commas var data = 'ID ra dec V VR MJD\n\ 100 30.1 +15 7.00 -10 2450000.1234\n\ 200 30.2 +16 12.226 -5.124 2450000.2345\n\ 300 30.3 +17 13.022 12.777 2450000.3456\n\ \n\ \n\ 400 30.4 +18 14.880 13.666 2450000.6789\n\ 500 30.5 +19 12.892 -1.835 2450001\n\ 600 30.6 +20 17.587 15.340 2450002.123\n\ 700 30.7 +21 13.984 13.903 2450000.123456 \n\ 800 30.8 +22 20.00 10.000 2450003.0 '; data = data.split('\n'); var i = 0, l = data.length; for ( ; i < l; i++) data[i] = data[i].trim().replace(/\s+/g,','); data = data.join('\n'); document.write('<h1>Formatted data string</h1><pre><code>'+data+'</code></pre>'); // Now to turn it into objects. // We'll strip the first line because // that'll be the list of column names: var cols = data.replace(/^([^\n]+)\n/,'$1').split(','), columnCount = cols.length; data = data.replace(/^[^\n]+\n/,''); // Now separate the 2 datasets var datasets = data.split('\n\n\n'); document.write('<h1>First dataset</h1><pre><code>'+datasets[0]+'</code></pre>'); document.write('<h1>Second dataset</h1><pre><code>'+datasets[1]+'</code></pre>') // Now we go through each line and // place the values into objects which // we'll push to an array var processed = []; i = 0; l = datasets.length; for ( ; i < l; i++){ processed[i] = []; var lines = datasets[i].split('\n'), lineCount = lines.length; for (var j = 0; j < lineCount; j++){ var dataArray = lines [j].split(','), obj = {}; for (var k = 0; k < columnCount; k++) obj[cols[k]] = dataArray[k]; processed[i].push(obj); } } var finalJSON = JSON.stringify(processed); document.write('<h1>Final JSON</h1><pre><code>'+finalJSON+'</code></pre>');

So, since you know the exact format of each line, you can use capture groups on a per-line basis to extract the details.因此,由于您知道每行的确切格式,因此您可以按每行使用捕获组来提取详细信息。 Try something like this:尝试这样的事情:


Remember that \s matches all whitespace, while \S matches non-whitespace.请记住\s匹配所有空格,而\S匹配非空格。 You may need to tweak the capture groups to your liking, if necessary.如有必要,您可能需要根据自己的喜好调整捕获组。 Then, using the multiline and global flags, we are all set up to iterate over all the matches.然后,使用多行和全局标志,我们都准备好遍历所有匹配项。

Here's the code:这是代码:

// Your data, with the header removed, formatted as a string literal:
var data = "100     30.1  +15     7.00    -10     2450000.1234\n"+
"200   30.2      +16     12.226  -5.124  2450000.2345\n"+
"   300  30.3     +17    13.022  12.777    2450000.3456\n"+
"400      30.4  +18     14.880  13.666  2450000.6789\n"+
"500 30.5        +19 12.892      -1.835  2450001\n"+
" 600     30.6    +20     17.587  15.340  2450002.123\n"+
"700     30.7    +21       13.984  13.903  2450000.123456 \n"+
"800    30.8    +22     20.00   10.000  2450003.0";

// The pattern to grab the data:
var data_pattern = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/mg;

// Keep matching until we run out of lines that match...
var results = [];
var line_match;
while ((line_match = data_pattern.exec(data)) !== null){
    // Parse the match into a json object and add it to the results.
        ID: line_match[1],
        ra: line_match[2],
        dec: line_match[3],
        V: line_match[4],
        VR: line_match[5],
        MJD: line_match[6]

// Output the results.
console.log(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2));

And here's the results on the console:这是控制台上的结果:

    "ID": "100",
    "ra": "30.1",
    "dec": "+15",
    "V": "7.00",
    "VR": "-10",
    "MJD": "2450000.1234"
    "ID": "200",
    "ra": "30.2",
    "dec": "+16",
    "V": "12.226",
    "VR": "-5.124",
    "MJD": "2450000.2345"
    "ID": "300",
    "ra": "30.3",
    "dec": "+17",
    "V": "13.022",
    "VR": "12.777",
    "MJD": "2450000.3456"
    "ID": "400",
    "ra": "30.4",
    "dec": "+18",
    "V": "14.880",
    "VR": "13.666",
    "MJD": "2450000.6789"
    "ID": "500",
    "ra": "30.5",
    "dec": "+19",
    "V": "12.892",
    "VR": "-1.835",
    "MJD": "2450001"
    "ID": "600",
    "ra": "30.6",
    "dec": "+20",
    "V": "17.587",
    "VR": "15.340",
    "MJD": "2450002.123"
    "ID": "700",
    "ra": "30.7",
    "dec": "+21",
    "V": "13.984",
    "VR": "13.903",
    "MJD": "2450000.123456"
    "ID": "800",
    "ra": "30.8",
    "dec": "+22",
    "V": "20.00",
    "VR": "10.000",
    "MJD": "2450003.0"

I hope this helped.我希望这会有所帮助。

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