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[英]fullpage.js - If 'scrolloverflow' is set to true can't scroll down to the next section

I'm using Fullpage.js with scrolloverflow: true and autoscrolling: true . 我使用Fullpage.js与scrolloverflow: trueautoscrolling: true Once I reach the bottom of the section with overflowing content it won't jump to the next one unless I click on the next navigation dot. 一旦我看到内容溢出的区域的底部,除非单击下一个导航点,否则它将不会跳到下一个。

Tried to isolate the bug in a JS Bin, but I'm not able to reproduce it. 试图隔离JS Bin中的错误,但是我无法重现它。 No errors are found in the console, and I'm using the plugin's 2.8.1 version. 在控制台中未发现错误,我正在使用插件的2.8.1版本。

If you head to this bin you'll see that reaching the bottom of section 3 triggers the jump to section four. 如果您转到此垃圾箱,您会看到到达第3部分的底部会触发跳至第4部分。 This does NOT happen on my end. 并不在我结束发生。 Any ideas on what could it be or how to fix it? 关于它可能是什么或如何解决的任何想法?

My current settings to initialize fullpage.js are these: 我当前用于初始化fullpage.js的设置是:

  easingcss3: 'cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000)',
  navigation: true,
  navigationPosition: 'left',
  scrollOverflow: true

Seems like this issue is a recent bug encountered when fullpage.js made the jump and started using iScroll. 似乎此问题是fullpage.js进行跳转并开始使用iScroll时遇到的最新错误。

Adding the following to the project's CSS seems to solve the problem: 在项目的CSS中添加以下内容似乎可以解决此问题:


More information here . 更多信息在这里


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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