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[英]Retrieve data from sqlite query Node.js

I'm currently trying to retrieve data from a sqlite query in node.js, the sql function is on a diferent file so i'm exporting it as a module and then call the function from the index.js. 我目前正在尝试从node.js中的sqlite查询中检索数据,sql函数位于其他文件上,因此我将其导出为模块,然后从index.js调用该函数。 But when i try to retrieve the data the function returns a null value. 但是,当我尝试检索数据时,该函数返回空值。

Here is my code 这是我的代码

Index.js Index.js

var express = require("express");
var body_parser = require("body-parser");
var app = express();
var db = require('./dbhandler.js');

app.set("view engine", "jade");

   let data = db.select();



dbhandler.js dbhandler.js

var sqlite3 = require("sqlite3");

const file = "hr";

exports.select = function (){

var lista = [];

var db = new sqlite3.Database(file);

db.all("SELECT * FROM usuarios", function(err,rows){

    let contador = 0;

    rows.forEach(function (row) {
            lista[contador] = row.nombre + ";" + row.cedula + ";" + row.edad + ";" + row.pais;


return lista;

Node is asynchronous!!!. 节点是异步的! lista is returned from the module before the db.all function completes. 在db.all函数完成之前,从模块返回lista。

You either need to pass a callback into the select function or return a promise. 您要么需要将回调传递给select函数,要么返回一个Promise。 The callback approach would look something like this: 回调方法如下所示:

 exports.select = function (cb){
    var lista = [];
    var db = new sqlite3.Database(file);           
    db.all("SELECT * FROM usuarios", function(err,rows){
         if(err) return cb(err);
         let contador = 0; 
         rows.forEach(function (row) { 
            lista[contador] = row.nombre + ";" + row.cedula + ";" + row.edad + ";"
    + row.pais; }); 
        return cb(null, lists);

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