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[英]How to add a spinner for each image loading in Ionic

I am trying to load a list of images with spinner shown as each image is loaded. 我正在尝试加载每个图像加载时显示微调器的图像列表。

This is what I have but don't see how to add a spinner as each image is loaded instead of seeing a blank screen as they load 这是我所拥有的,但没有看到如何在加载每个图像时添加微调器,而不是在加载时看到空白屏幕

<div ng-repeat="i in data| filter: { tags: tag } " class='wrapper' id="homeImg">
    <!-- wrapper div -->

    <!-- image -->
    <a href="#/information"> <img class="ng-cloak" style="float:left; display:inline-block; overflow:hidden; border: 1px;" class="fill_image" src='{{ i.picture }}' style width="100%" style height="100%" ng-click="disableClick('{{ i.firebase_url }}')" /> </a>
    <!-- description div -->
    <div class='description'>
        <!-- description content -->
        <p class='description' style="float: left">
            {{i.title }}
        <p class='description' style="float: right">

        <!-- end description content -->
    <!-- end description div -->

You can easily do this with the || 您可以使用||轻松完成此操作 operator inside of an ng-src tag: ng-src标记内的运算符:

Controller: 控制器:

$scope.loading = "<some-pic.gif>";

View: 视图:

<!-- image -->
<a href="#/information">
    <img ng-src='{{ (i.picture) || (loading) }}'/>
  • Change the src tag to ng-src , it is more Angular friendly src标签更改为ng-src ,它更加Angular友好
  • Define a loading image/gif (previous uploaded) and store it in $scope variable 定义加载图像/ gif(上次上传)并将其存储在$scope变量中
  • Use || 使用|| operator, if first option is undefined then the second (the gif) will be displayed 运算符,如果第一个选项undefined则显示第二个选项(gif)

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/xf3ezakc/ 小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/xf3ezakc/

Also, you could use an $ionicLoading inside the controller to display a loading alert until all the images have loaded, I answered another question on how to do that here . 此外,您可以在控制器内部使用$ionicLoading来显示加载警报,直到所有图像都已加载为止,我在这里回答了另一个关于如何执行此操作的问题

$scope.show = function() {
        template: 'Loading...'
        console.log("The loading indicator is now displayed");
$scope.hide = function(){
        console.log("The loading indicator is now hidden");

// Assuming you have `$scope.data`, which it seems so
$scope.data = {};
someDataCall().then(function(data) {
    // success
}).catch(error) { 
    // error

I see that you also have a firebase reference in your code and if you are using $firebaseArray or $firebaseObject you could use $ionicLoading in combination with $loaded to detect the when the images have loaded (included in AngularFire API): 我看,你也有一个firebase参考在你的代码,如果你正在使用$firebaseArray$firebaseObject你可以使用$ionicLoading结合$loaded检测到的图像时,已加载(包括在AngularFire API):

$scope.data.$loaded().then(function(data) {
    // success
}).catch(function(error) {
    // error

For the last 2, make sure to have injected $ionicLoading 对于最后2个,请确保已注入$ionicLoading

References: 参考文献:

ng-src NG-SRC

$ionicLoading $ ionicLoading

AngularFire AngularFire

ion-spinner (I have never used it) 离子旋转器 (我从未使用过它)

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