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[英]Change text to h1 with jquery?

How do I make the 2990 kr text into an h1 ? 如何将2990 kr文本转换为h1

<div class="productPrice">
<span>2 990 kr</span>

Alt 1 http://api.jquery.com/html/ Alt 1 http://api.jquery.com/html/


Alt 2 http://api.jquery.com/text/ Alt 2 http://api.jquery.com/text/



$('.productPrice span').wrapAll('<h1></h1>');

.wrapInner() method can be used. 可以使用.wrapInner()方法。

Wrap an HTML structure around the content of each element in the set of matched elements. 围绕匹配元素集中每个元素的内容包装HTML结构。

  $('.productPrice span').wrapInner('<h1 />') 

 $('.productPrice span').wrapInner('<h1 />') 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="productPrice"> <span>2 990 kr</span> </div> 

The above solution will produce, <span><h1>...</h1></span> which is invalid. 上述解决方案将生成<span><h1>...</h1></span> ,这是无效的。 Instead use wrap() 而是使用wrap()

Wrap an HTML structure around each element in the set of matched elements. 围绕匹配元素集中的每个元素包装HTML结构。

 $('.productPrice span').wrap('<h1 />') 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="productPrice"> <span>2 990 kr</span> </div> 

While this is easily possible with jQuery: 虽然使用jQuery很容易实现这一点:

// selecting the '.productPrice' elements, and
// and wrapping the inner content (to avoid
// creating an <h1> element within a <span>:

This is also – of course – possible with plain JavaScript: 当然,这也可以使用纯JavaScript:

// creating a function that takes two arguments,
// toWrap: the Node whose contents should be wrapped,
// wrapWith: the element-type with which those contents
//           should be wrapped:
function wrapInner(toWrap, wrapWith) {

    // retrieving the contents of the element to wrap:
    var contents = toWrap.childNodes,

        // the newly-created element type:
        newElem = document.createElement(wrapWith);

    // inserting the new element before the first of the
    // the node's childNodes:
    toWrap.insertBefore(newElem, contents[0]);

    // while contents exist:
    while (contents.length) {
      // move the first of those contents into the
      // new element:

// retrieving the '.productPrice' elements with
// document.querySelectorAll(); and converting
// Array-like NodeList into an Array, using
// Array.from():
var elements = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.productPrice') );

// iterating over the array of elements, using
// Array.prototype.forEach():
elements.forEach(function (el) {
    // calling the function, passing the node
    // and the string for the replacement-element:
    wrapInner(el, 'h1');

 function wrapInner(toWrap, wrapWith) { var contents = toWrap.childNodes, newElem = document.createElement(wrapWith); toWrap.insertBefore(newElem, contents[0]); while (contents) { newElem.appendChild(contents[0]); } } var elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.productPrice')); elements.forEach(function(el) { wrapInner(el, 'h1'); }); 
 <div class="productPrice"> <span>2 990 kr</span> </div> 

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