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(Webpack) 使用 url-loader 或 file-loader,我真的必须在我的 .js 中为我想要包含的每个静态图像包含一个 require() 吗?

[英](Webpack) Using the url-loader or file-loader, do I really have to include a require() in my .js for every static image I want to include?

I'm still learning webpack, and I was having trouble getting images to show up in my production build until I stumbled upon some code which had a require('path/to/image.png') at the top of a .js file.我仍在学习 webpack,我在让图像显示在我的生产版本中遇到了麻烦,直到我偶然发现了一些在 .js 文件顶部有一个require('path/to/image.png')的代码. So I tried it, and lo and behold it works.所以我尝试了它,你瞧它的工作原理。

This seems wonky to me.这对我来说似乎很奇怪。 Do I really have to include one of these for every static image I need to serve?我真的必须为我需要提供的每个静态图像都包含其中一个吗? Is there a better way to do this?有没有更好的方法来做到这一点? This is going to be messy if not.如果没有,这将是混乱的。

There are loaders like css-loader and url-loader which resolve urls to base64 inlined data strings instead of serving up the static asset.有像css-loaderurl-loader这样url-loader ,它们将url-loader解析为 base64 内联数据字符串,而不是提供静态资产。

You can see this great guide for how to implement with url-loader .你可以看到这个关于如何使用url-loader实现的很好的指南 If you are having issues you need to make sure you are using the correct relative path.如果您遇到问题,您需要确保使用正确的相对路径。


You can use the CopyWebpackPlugin to move src files to an assets folder when building the webpack project.在构建 webpack 项目时,您可以使用CopyWebpackPluginsrc文件移动到 assets 文件夹。

Details in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33374807/492976此答案中的详细信息: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/33374807/492976

Using React, the npm package babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-img-import resolves any img elements and there is no need to explicit import or require those image resources.使用 React,npm 包babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-img-import解析任何 img 元素,并且不需要显式导入或要求这些图像资源。

import React from 'react';
const Image = () => {

   {* webpack configured to resolve
      the alias 'images' *}

   return (img src='images/foo.png'/>);

export default Image;

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