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如何使用TypeScript在Angular 2中的浏览器中获取当前URL?

[英]How to get the current url in the browser in Angular 2 using TypeScript?

I need to get the current URL present in the browser in my Angular 2 application. 我需要在我的Angular 2应用程序中获取浏览器中的当前URL。

In JavaScript normally we do it using the window object. 在JavaScript中,我们通常使用window对象来完成它。

How can I do this in Angular 2 using TypeScript? 如何使用TypeScript在Angular 2中执行此操作?

Thanks. 谢谢。

This is late but I thought it was worth updating. 这已经很晚了,但我觉得值得更新。 As of Angular2 final release you can import DOCUMENT from @angular/common and use that to get to the location. 从Angular2最终版本开始,您可以从@ angular / common导入DOCUMENT并使用它来到达该位置。

import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';


export class YourComponent {

    constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: Document) { 

It is not necessary to import complicated packages or inject something. 没有必要导入复杂的包或注入一些东西。 Just use the methods you can find on window.location ! 只需使用window.location上可以找到的方法!

Such as: 如:

  • window.location.href gives you the full URL window.location.href为您提供完整的URL
  • window.location.hostname gives you the host name window.location.hostname为您提供主机名
  • window.location.origin with this command you get the host name with protocol (eg https://) window.location.origin使用此命令获取带协议的主机名(例如https://)
  • and more as you can see here: click me 你可以在这里看到更多: 点击我

For IE<=10 users: location.origin may not be available, then you have to use location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname or use a polyfill or package like location-origin 对于IE <= 10个用户:location.origin可能不可用,那么您必须使用location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname或使用polyfill或包如location-origin

You can 您可以

See also 也可以看看

How do I get the absolute path of the current page in Angular 2? 如何获取Angular 2中当前页面的绝对路径?

Import the ActivatedRoute, (and the rest of the Router stuff too, if you want) 导入ActivatedRoute,(如果你愿意,也可以输入其余的路由器)

import { ActivatedRoute, Params, Router, UrlSegment } from '@angular/router';

making sure it's injected into the constructor, 确保它被注入构造函数中,

constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { ... }

and on ngOnInit you can use this.route to inspect the URL. 在ngOnInit上,您可以使用this.route来检查URL。 For instance, all the segments are in an array, which you can string together, as @ibgib suggested, like this: 例如,所有段都在一个数组中,你可以像@ibgib建议的那样将它们串在一起,如下所示:

let path = this.route.snapshot.url.join('/');

to give you something like "mars/moons/phobos". 给你一些像“火星/卫星/恐怖”的东西。

For future travelers, a lot of the other answers are great. 对于未来的旅行者来说,很多其他答案都很棒。 Another option, if you want everything before the pathname (eg https://example.com ) then you can use: 另一个选择,如果您想要路径名之前的所有内容(例如https://example.com ),那么您可以使用:


Here's a W3 article on the different window.location properties you can use: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_window_location.asp 这是关于您可以使用的不同window.location属性的W3文章: http//www.w3schools.com/js/js_window_location.asp

Cheers! 干杯!

This Link helped me: 这个链接帮助了我:

  public static getCurrentAbsoluteSiteUrl(): string {
    if (window
        && "location" in window
        && "protocol" in window.location
        && "pathname" in window.location
        && "host" in window.location) {
      return window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname;
    return null;

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