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如何使用mailgun php代码发送电子邮件

[英]how to send email using mailgun php code

I want to send Email with the help of mailgun using php script. 我想使用php脚本在mailgun的帮助下发送电子邮件。 I have already made my account on mailgun site and added my domain and verified my domain. 我已经在mailgun网站上创建了帐户,并添加了我的域并验证了我的域。 I also have my domain and api key with me .. but how to use these in the php script code 我也有我的域和api密钥..但是如何在php脚本代码中使用它们

Where to get this vendor/autoload.php I am not able to find it on gihub which is shown in liberary page of mailgun website. 在哪里可以找到该vendor / autoload.php,我无法在gihub上找到它,该邮件在mailgun网站的自由页面上显示。 I am new to MailGun and I have a hosted site and wanted to use the mailgun for my email sending thru PHP script code, but I am not understanding how to send it. 我是MailGun的新手,并且有一个托管站点,并希望使用mailgun通过PHP脚本代码发送电子邮件,但是我不知道如何发送。 The example code shown in mailgun site tells that start code from vendor/autoload.php and then use mailgun\\mailgun and i am not understanding how to get these files and where to copy them. mailgun网站中显示的示例代码告诉该供应商/autoload.php启动代码,然后使用mailgun \\ mailgun,但我不了解如何获取这些文件以及在何处复制它们。 I have already made my account on mailgun site and added and verified my domain and i also have my domain and api key.. but how to use these in the php script code/ 我已经在mailgun网站上建立了帐户,并添加并验证了我的域,我也有我的域和api密钥..但是如何在php脚本代码/

Can you please help me how to start and where to get all these files, pleas help? 请您帮助我如何开始以及在哪里获得所有这些文件? thanks in advance 提前致谢

可以通过运行composer来添加vendor / autoload.php,所有信息都位于mailgun网站https://documentation.mailgun.com/libraries.html#php

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