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使用Jasmine测试Angular2 / TypeScript管道

[英]Testing Angular2 / TypeScript pipe with Jasmine

I have an Angular2 with TypeScript application setup with very basic Jasmine tests. 我有一个带有TypeScript应用程序设置的Angular2,它具有非常基本的Jasmine测试。 I want to test one of my pipes. 我想测试一下我的管道。

lpad.pipe.ts lpad.pipe.ts

import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';
    name: 'lpad'
export class LPadPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: any, args: string[]): any {
       let pad = args[0];
       return (pad + value).slice(-pad.length);

usage in html template: 在html模板中的用法:

{{size.SizeCode | lpad:['0000']}}

lpad.pipe.spec.ts - My test (which doesn't work) lpad.pipe.spec.ts - 我的测试(不起作用)

import { LPadPipe } from './lpad.pipe';

describe('LPadPipe'), () => {
    let pipe: LPadPipe;

    beforeEach(() => {
        pipe = new LPadPipe();

    it('transforms "1" to "0001"', () => {
        let value: any = "1";
        let args: string[] = ['0000'];

        expect(pipe.transform(value, args)).ToEqual('0001')


Error message: 错误信息:

Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined(…)

I think the problem is with the "value" and "args" of my test. 我认为问题在于我的测试的“价值”和“args”。 Any idea how to resolve? 知道怎么解决?

It's because you have errors when using the describe method: 这是因为使用describe方法时出错:

describe('LPadPipe'), () => { // <----------------
  let pipe: LPadPipe;

  beforeEach(() => {
    pipe = new LPadPipe();

  it('transforms "1" to "0001"', () => {
    let value: any = "1";
    let args: string[] = ['0000'];

    expect(pipe.transform(value, args)).ToEqual('0001')

} // <----------------

You should use the following instead: 您应该使用以下代码:

describe('LPadPipe', () => { // <----------------
  let pipe: LPadPipe;

  beforeEach(() => {
    pipe = new LPadPipe();

  it('transforms "1" to "0001"', () => {
    let value: any = "1";
    let args: string[] = ['0000'];

    expect(pipe.transform(value, args)).ToEqual('0001')

}); // <----------------

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