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如何在 Open Layers 3 中更改轴方向?

[英]How change axisOrientation in Open Layers 3?

I am working with ImageStatic in OpenLayers 3. Default coordinates of projection starts from BOTTOM LEFT corner (OY is UPWARD), but I need it from TOP LEFT corner, and OY is DOWNWARD我在 OpenLayers 3 中使用 ImageStatic。投影的默认坐标从左下角开始(OY 是向上),但我需要从左上角开始,而 OY 是向下

During the documentation it's could be solved by axisOrientation , but it's not work.在文档中,它可以通过axisOrientation解决,但它不起作用。

How can I change orientation?我怎样才能改变方向?

My code:我的代码:


<div id="map"></div>


#map {
    height: 400px;


var extent = [0, 0, 1000, 1013];

var projection = new ol.proj.Projection({
    code: 'xkcd-image',
  units: 'pixels',
  extent: extent,
  axisOrientation: 'end'

map = new ol.Map({
    interactions: ol.interaction.defaults().extend([
    new ol.interaction.DragRotateAndZoom()
  ]), layers: [
    new ol.layer.Image({
        source: new ol.source.ImageStatic({
        attributions: '© <a href="http://xkcd.com/license.html">xkcd</a>',
                url: 'http://evstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Small-House-Plan-1200.jpg',
        imageSize: [1000, 1013],
        imageExtent: extent,
    target: 'map',
  view: new ol.View({
    projection: projection,
    center: ol.extent.getCenter(extent),
    zoom: 1,
    maxZoom: 4,
    minZoom: 0

var mousePosition = new ol.control.MousePosition({
    coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.createStringXY(2),
  projection: projection,
  target: document.getElementById('myposition'),
  undefinedHTML: '&nbsp;'

I also tried to flip the Y Axis without any success.我也尝试翻转 Y 轴但没有成功。 All different options which I tried for axisOrientation has no effect.我为 axisOrientation 尝试的所有不同选项都无效。 I want that the Y Axis is low at the top and get bigger to bottom.我希望 Y 轴顶部较低,底部变大。 I tried the following code (can be edited here:https://codesandbox.io/s/wms-no-proj-forked-6ru4w?file=/main.js ):我尝试了以下代码(可以在这里编辑:https ://codesandbox.io/s/wms-no-proj-forked-6ru4w?file=/main.js ):

import "ol/ol.css";

import Map from "ol/Map";
import Projection from "ol/proj/Projection";
import View from "ol/View";
import { ScaleLine, defaults as defaultControls } from "ol/control";
import MousePosition from "ol/control/MousePosition";
import { addProjection } from "ol/proj";
import { createStringXY } from "ol/coordinate";
var layers = [];

var projection = new Projection({
  code: "test",
  units: "m",
  axisOrientation: "neu"

var map = new Map({
  controls: defaultControls().extend([new ScaleLine()]),
  layers: layers,
  target: "map",
  view: new View({
    center: [660000, 190000],
    projection: projection,
    zoom: 9
  new MousePosition({
    coordinateFormat: createStringXY(4)

We use Openlayers 6我们使用 Openlayers 6

I think you wrongly pass end to the axisOrientation parameter.我认为您错误地将end传递给了axisOrientation参数。 I had a glance to the ol code and found that possible values are enu , neu and wnu so end seems to be invalid while axisOrientation:'neu' should be the one you are looking for.我看了一眼 ol 代码,发现可能的值是enuneuwnu所以end似乎是无效的,而axisOrientation:'neu'应该是你正在寻找的。 Explanation for the acronyms as getted from ol code:从 ol 代码中得到的首字母缩略词的解释:

 * Get the axis orientation of this projection.
 * Example values are:
 * enu - the default easting, northing, elevation.
 * neu - northing, easting, up - useful for "lat/long" geographic coordinates,
 *     or south orientated transverse mercator.
 * wnu - westing, northing, up - some planetary coordinate systems have
 *     "west positive" coordinate systems

also found this which might helps还发现这可能有帮助

> The +axis switch takes three character arguments defining the axis
> orientation of the coordinate system.  The possible values are:
> 'e' - easting
> 'w' - westing - an x/longitude with the opposite sign to normal.
> 'n' - northing
> 's' - southing - a y/latitude with the opposite sign to the normal.
> 'u' - up - normal z
> 'd' - down - a z/elevation with the opposite sign to the normal.

I have not used ol.source.ImageStatic, but I would guess that your axisOrientation should be esu .我没有使用过 ol.source.ImageStatic,但我猜你的 axisOrientation 应该是esu The imporant part is 'es', which says that the first coordinate goes from left to right (west to east) and the second coordinate goes from top to bottom (north to south).重要的部分是“es”,它表示第一个坐标从左到右(从西到东),第二个坐标从上到下(从北到南)。

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